We are working with this script for over 2 years under quark 4.
It makes every text of the name_list in the whole document bold. Nothing more, nothing less.
Under OS9 and quark 4 it’s very, very fast.
I’m trying to make this script working with quark 6 but they are very, very, very slow.
Why becomes it so slow??
(Normaly the name_list is much longer (80 items)…)
set the name_list to �
{"Ind.:", ". Ind.", ". Indeling", ". Ind ", "Ind:", "Indeling:"}
tell application "QuarkXPress Passport"
tell document 1
tell page 1
repeat with i from 1 to the count of the name_list
set NORMAAL_nu to item i of name_list as string
set style of (every text of every story of every text box where it is NORMAAL_nu) to bold
end try
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end tell
Because Quark 6 under OSX is way slower than Quark 4.11 under OS9. By a factor of 10 in many cases. And if you will notice, working in the UI is slower as well.
In Quark 4 it works that way but in Quark 6 it simply not works…
Is it an general fact?
We can’t work this way. It’s simply impossible to move to OSX as it keeps so slow.
Is this the general opinion in the quark-script-community or am I to negative??
the simpel conclusion: if we want to OSX and fast scripting we have to change to indesign!!!
I don’t know. At least I don’t have any problems with it. I just tried both versions of your script and one was a bit faster.
What I meant to say is that you should use the right program for the right tasks.
Why would you change all these items of your list in a layout with several boxes?
Why not do this in a text editor, add X-Tags with the same script and then import the text in Quark?
Is Quark 4 in classic mode working faster than quark 6 in OSX ???
Yes. Though I should correct myself on one earlier statement–scripting Quark 6 was 10 times slower in Jaguar. Panther has helped…some.
Perhaps the OSX version will improve in the future, but I’m not holdng my breadth. For scripting in OSX, I would use InDesign CS. They made significant gains in scripting speed in the CS upgrade, and it now runs faster than Quark 6. Besides, the program’s scriptability is more complete than Quark, and Adobe has shown a commitment to continuing to support and improve it.
Setting up your main script as a script object sometimes speeds up the overall run time. I don’t understand the reason behind this but there was a long thread a while back that you might be able to find if you search. It’s as simple as this:
run script My_Script
script My_Script
set the name_list to {"Sample", "Senior", "No"}
tell application "QuarkXPress"
tell document 1
tell page 1
repeat with i from 1 to the count of the name_list
set NORMAAL_nu to item i of name_list as string
set style of (every text of every story of every text box where it is NORMAAL_nu) to bold
end try
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end tell
end script
Model: G5 OSX 10.4.8
Browser: Safari 419.3
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)
I’ve found that Quark’s own ‘run script’ event sometimes processes script objects faster, too.
tell application "QuarkXPress"
script My_Script
set the name_list to {"Sample", "Senior", "No"}
tell application "QuarkXPress"
tell document 1
tell page 1
repeat with i from 1 to the count of the name_list
set NORMAAL_nu to item i of name_list as string
set style of (every text of every story of every text box where it is NORMAAL_nu) to bold
end try
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end tell
end script
run script My_Script --run script here inside Quark tell block
end tell
I’ve only tried it on Quark 4 and Quark 7; no idea about Quark 6.