I came across a novel way (for me, at least) of dealing with items in a list.
To see if it made any difference i ran a comparison with the method I would unthinkingly use.
Here’s the full test script:
-- http://macscripter.net/viewtopic.php?id=41285
property loopCount : 8000
set looptimes to {}
run script (do shell script "python -c 'import time; print time.time()'") -- dummy
set t1 to run script (do shell script "python -c 'import time; print time.time()'")
set t2 to run script (do shell script "python -c 'import time; print time.time()'")
set time_calib to t2 - t1
set removeTags to {"t1", "t2"} -- tags to remove
set currentTags to {"t1", "pip", "bes", "t2", "gek"} -- set of tags
set newTags to {}
set t1 to run script (do shell script "python -c 'import time; print time.time()'")
repeat loopCount times
-- first method
-- http://forum.devontechnologies.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=10617#p69209
repeat until currentTags = {}
set oneTag to first item of currentTags
set currentTags to rest of currentTags
if oneTag is not in removeTags then set end of newTags to oneTag
end repeat
end repeat
set t2 to run script (do shell script "python -c 'import time; print time.time()'")
set end of looptimes to t2 - t1 - time_calib
set removeTags to {"t1", "t2"} -- tags to remove
set currentTags to {"t1", "pip", "bes", "t2", "gek"} -- set of tags
set newTags to {}
set t1 to run script (do shell script "python -c 'import time; print time.time()'")
repeat loopCount times
-- 2nd method
repeat with aTag in currentTags
if aTag is not in removeTags then set end of newTags to contents of aTag
end repeat
end repeat
set t2 to run script (do shell script "python -c 'import time; print time.time()'")
set end of looptimes to t2 - t1 - time_calib
--> typically {0.01, 20}
What’s going on here? I can’t believe what I’m seeing.