"File application file foo.app wasn't found" But the path is correct..

I’m having trouble with my script where I’m trying to select a directory and iterate through every item in the directory in order to perform actions on them.

My initial version of this script is one that works based on ‘Folder Actions’ so I didn’t have to rely on a ‘source’ file, it was just based on whatever was ‘Added’

Now I’m converting it into a script so that I can choose my source.
For some reason I keep getting a ‘File not found’ error where the path it lists is absolutely correct and does exists. (Otherwise how would it have listed the path in the first place?)

For reference, the source I’m using is: HDD:Applications
The scripts stops right after:

log_event("Currently working on: " & addedItem) of toolbox

Here is the script:

-- Remember previous transfers in order to avoid duplicates
property historyList : {}

set toolbox to load script alias ¬
	((path to library folder from user domain as string) ¬
		& "Scripts:toolbox.scpt")

-- Script start
log_event("Script Init") of toolbox

-- Set Source Path
set mySource to (choose folder with prompt "Select the source folder")

-- Set Storage Path
set myStorage to "Storage HDD:Applications"

-- Begin Logic
tell application "Finder"
	-- Making list of items to iterate through
	set addedItems to every item of mySource
	-- Count how many items added
	set addedAmount to count addedItems
	log_event(addedAmount & " items added.") of toolbox
	-- Grab list of filenames from the Storage Path for comparison for duplicates
	--set storage_list to name of every file of entire contents of myStorage
	-- Start Loop
	repeat with addedItem in addedItems
		log_event("Currently working on: " & addedItem) of toolbox
		-- Check for duplicates
		if historyList contains (info for addedItem)'s name then
			-- Found the filename in the history
			log_event("Duplicate detected, ignoring.") of toolbox
			log_event("Done.") of toolbox
			-- No duplicates, continuing...
			-- Save the size of the added item
			set mySize to (size of (info for addedItem)) / 1024 as integer
			log_event("File size is " & mySize & "kb") of toolbox
			-- If it's too big; create an symlink
			if mySize is greater than 500000 then
				log_event("File Size is over threshold, Mapping...") of toolbox
					-- Grab the filename
					tell (info for addedItem) to set myFilename to name
					-- Add to History variable
					tell (info for addedItem) to set end of historyList to name
					-- Record previous location (this is used to create the symlink later)
					set oldPath to (POSIX path of addedItem as string)
					-- remove the '/' from the oldPath
					if oldPath ends with "/" then set oldPath to ¬
						text 1 thru -2 of oldPath
					-- Record previous location for duplication check
					set oldItem to (addedItem as string)
					-- Calculate what the path SHOULD be after move (this is for the callback session)
					set proposedLocation to (myStorage & ":" & myFilename as string)
					if (addedItem as string) ends with ":" then set proposedLocation to ¬
						proposedLocation & ":"
					-- move to storage drive
					log_event("Storing.") of toolbox
					move addedItem to myStorage
					delay 1
					-- if there's a duplicate or it was copied instead of moved, delete the duplicate/copy
					if exists oldItem then
						log_event("Duplicate was made, attempting to delete.") of toolbox
						-- log_event("rm -rf " & oldPath) of toolbox
						do shell script "rm -rf " & quoted form of oldPath
						log_event("Deleted.") of toolbox
					end if
					--create symbolic link
					log_event("Making Symlink.") of toolbox
					set posixPath to POSIX path of (proposedLocation)
					if posixPath ends with "/" then set posixPath to ¬
						text 1 thru -2 of posixPath
					do shell script "ln -s " & quoted form of posixPath ¬
						& " " & quoted form of (oldPath)
					log_event("Done.") of toolbox
				on error errMsg number errNum
					log_event(errMsg & " " & errNum) of toolbox
				end try
				log_event("Doesn't reach file size threshold, ignoring...") of toolbox
				log_event("Done.") of toolbox
			end if
		end if
	end repeat
end tell


the class of addedItem is Finder file specifier, info for expects an alias.
This causes the error. But as you’re talking to the Finder anyway, use the name property directly

if historyList contains addedItem's name then

I’m not quite sure I understand,

1st thing, it doesn’t work because they’re not alias’? how do I make them alias’? I tried doing:

-- Making list of items to iterate through
	set addedItems to every item of mySource as alias

but I got a huge amount of errors for some reason.

2nd thing, How come I need (info for addedItem)'s name in my ‘Folder Action’ script (It didn’t work without it) but you suggest I remove it on this script?

I’m a bit confused.

in a Finder tell block you don’t need info for because the Finder provides name and size information
just replace

tell (info for addedItem) to set myFilename to name


set myFilename to name of addedItem

set addedItems to every item of mySource as alias

doesn’t work because you can’t coerce a list to alias but to alias list

Rather than this coercion I recommend to remove all occurrences of info for and replace them with
the Finder equivalents

Okay, i’ve done this and it seems to actually start.
I’m now getting this new error - http://d.pr/i/GaGj/1iz5RSpC

The scripts now errors right after this line:

log_event("File Size is over threshold, Mapping...") of toolbox

-- Remember previous transfers in order to avoid duplicates
property historyList : {}

set toolbox to load script alias ¬
	((path to library folder from user domain as string) ¬
		& "Scripts:toolbox.scpt")

-- Script start
log_event("Script Init") of toolbox

-- Set Source Path
set mySource to (choose folder with prompt "Select the source folder")

-- Set Storage Path
set myStorage to "Storage HDD:Applications"

-- Begin Logic
tell application "Finder"
	-- Making list of items to iterate through
	set addedItems to every item of mySource
	-- Count how many items added
	set addedAmount to count addedItems
	log_event(addedAmount & " items added.") of toolbox
	-- Grab list of filenames from the Storage Path for comparison for duplicates
	--set storage_list to name of every file of entire contents of myStorage
	-- Start Loop
	repeat with addedItem in addedItems
		log_event("Currently working on: " & addedItem) of toolbox
		-- Check for duplicates
		if historyList contains addedItem's name then
			-- Found the filename in the history
			log_event("Duplicate detected, ignoring.") of toolbox
			log_event("Done.") of toolbox
			-- No duplicates, continuing...
			-- Save the size of the added item
			set mySize to (size of addedItem) / 1024 as integer
			log_event("File size is " & mySize & "kb") of toolbox
			-- If it's too big; create an symlink
			if mySize is greater than 500000 then
				log_event("File Size is over threshold, Mapping...") of toolbox
					-- Grab the filename
					set myFilename to name of addedItem
					-- Add to History variable
					set end of historyList to name of addedItem
					-- Record previous location (this is used to create the symlink later)
					set oldPath to (POSIX path of addedItem as string)
					-- remove the '/' from the oldPath
					if oldPath ends with "/" then set oldPath to ¬
						text 1 thru -2 of oldPath
					-- Record previous location for duplication check
					set oldItem to (addedItem as string)
					-- Calculate what the path SHOULD be after move (this is for the callback session)
					set proposedLocation to (myStorage & ":" & myFilename as string)
					if (addedItem as string) ends with ":" then set proposedLocation to ¬
						proposedLocation & ":"
					-- move to storage drive
					log_event("Storing.") of toolbox
					move addedItem to myStorage
					delay 1
					-- if there's a duplicate or it was copied instead of moved, delete the duplicate/copy
					if exists oldItem then
						log_event("Duplicate was made, attempting to delete.") of toolbox
						-- log_event("rm -rf " & oldPath) of toolbox
						do shell script "rm -rf " & quoted form of oldPath
						log_event("Deleted.") of toolbox
					end if
					--create symbolic link
					log_event("Making Symlink.") of toolbox
					set posixPath to POSIX path of (proposedLocation)
					if posixPath ends with "/" then set posixPath to ¬
						text 1 thru -2 of posixPath
					do shell script "ln -s " & quoted form of posixPath ¬
						& " " & quoted form of (oldPath)
					log_event("Done.") of toolbox
				on error errMsg number errNum
					log_event(errMsg & " " & errNum) of toolbox
				end try
				log_event("Doesn't reach file size threshold, ignoring...") of toolbox
				log_event("Done.") of toolbox
			end if
		end if
	end repeat
end tell

addedItem is a Finder file specifier which has no POSIX path property.
Coerce it first to string, you can do that just by moving the parentheses

  -- Record previous location (this is used to create the symlink later)
                   set oldPath to POSIX path of (addedItem as string)

This seems to fix the error!

The script started working perfectly and then stopped abruptly. Not sure why.

Now I get this error:
error “Can’t make missing value into type real.” number -1700 from missing value to real

You can view where it crashed here (not sure if that has any significance)

Bump? :C

it seems that there is an item which has no size information (missing value) so check mySize for missing value.

I added a check for ‘missing value’ and it stops at the same place as before.

Perhaps I’m doing it wrong?

-- Remember previous transfers in order to avoid duplicates
property historyList : {}

set toolbox to load script alias ¬
	((path to library folder from user domain as string) ¬
		& "Scripts:toolbox.scpt")

-- Script start
log_event("Script Init") of toolbox

-- Set Source Path
set mySource to (choose folder with prompt "Select the source folder")

-- Set Storage Path
set myStorage to "Storage HDD:Applications"

-- Begin Logic
tell application "Finder"
	-- Making list of items to iterate through
	set addedItems to every item of mySource
	-- Count how many items added
	set addedAmount to count addedItems
	log_event(addedAmount & " items added.") of toolbox
	-- Grab list of filenames from the Storage Path for comparison for duplicates
	--set storage_list to name of every file of entire contents of myStorage
	-- Start Loop
	repeat with addedItem in addedItems
		log_event("Currently working on: " & addedItem) of toolbox
		-- Check for duplicates
		if historyList contains addedItem's name then
			-- Found the filename in the history
			log_event("Duplicate detected, ignoring.") of toolbox
			log_event("Done.") of toolbox
			-- No duplicates, continuing...
			-- Save the size of the added item
			set mySize to (size of addedItem) / 1024 as integer
			log_event("File size is " & mySize & "kb") of toolbox
			-- Check for missing value
			if mySize is not missing value then
				-- If it's too big; create an symlink
				if mySize is greater than 500000 then
					log_event("File Size is over threshold, Mapping...") of toolbox
						-- Grab the filename
						set myFilename to name of addedItem
						-- Add to History variable
						set end of historyList to name of addedItem
						-- Record previous location (this is used to create the symlink later)
						set oldPath to POSIX path of (addedItem as string)
						-- remove the '/' from the oldPath
						if oldPath ends with "/" then set oldPath to ¬
							text 1 thru -2 of oldPath
						-- Record previous location for duplication check
						set oldItem to (addedItem as string)
						-- Calculate what the path SHOULD be after move (this is for the callback session)
						set proposedLocation to (myStorage & ":" & myFilename as string)
						if (addedItem as string) ends with ":" then set proposedLocation to ¬
							proposedLocation & ":"
						-- move to storage drive
						log_event("Storing.") of toolbox
						move addedItem to myStorage
						delay 1
						-- if there's a duplicate or it was copied instead of moved, delete the duplicate/copy
						if exists oldItem then
							log_event("Duplicate was made, attempting to delete.") of toolbox
							-- log_event("rm -rf " & oldPath) of toolbox
							do shell script "rm -rf " & quoted form of oldPath
							log_event("Deleted.") of toolbox
						end if
						--create symbolic link
						log_event("Making Symlink.") of toolbox
						set posixPath to POSIX path of (proposedLocation)
						if posixPath ends with "/" then set posixPath to ¬
							text 1 thru -2 of posixPath
						do shell script "ln -s " & quoted form of posixPath ¬
							& " " & quoted form of (oldPath)
						log_event("Done.") of toolbox
					on error errMsg number errNum
						log_event(errMsg & " " & errNum) of toolbox
					end try
					log_event("Doesn't reach file size threshold, ignoring...") of toolbox
					log_event("Done.") of toolbox
				end if
				log_event("Missing Size Value, skipping") of toolbox
			end if
		end if
	end repeat
end tell

You have to check for missing value before doing math with the value

  set mySize to size of addedItem 
           log_event("File size is " & mySize & "kb") of toolbox
           -- Check for missing value
           if mySize is not missing value then
           set mySize to mySize / 1024 as integer

Wow I did the biggest facepalm ever with that. sigh

I changed and the script and it ran through all the items.
Unfortunately 80% of the items were skipped because of missing value…
Do you know why that would be? I’m only checking the file size…

By the way, thank you for all your help so far.

large folders return missing value as long as the size is calculated, try something like this.

repeat while (size of addedItem) is missing value
	delay 0.5
end repeat
set mySize to (size of addedItem) / 1024 as integer