File Renaming

Hey all,

I am trying to make a simple program that can be used for renaming pictures. I need to be able to specify all of the variables. It really shouldn’t be too complicated, but I can’t seem to make it work.

I do have the option (for the computer to help) in universal access checked on.

I want the picture to be named with a specified 3 digit photographer code and then the number of the picture directly after that. The format should be:

photographer code + (no space) picture number + (no space) file extension

I want the program to:

  1. Promt me for the pictures that I want to change the name of (with multiple selection)
  2. Ask me for a 3 digit photographer code
  3. Ask me what number I would like the first picture to be
  4. Calculate how many pictures I have
  5. Rename the photos with the photographer code + x (+1 for each picture) + file extension (x being the number that the numbering starts at)

This is the code that I have so far:

tell application "Finder"
	set photoselection to choose file with prompt "Select files to rename:" with multiple selections allowed
	set photographercode to display dialog "Enter the photographer code:" default answer "000"
	count photoselection
	set photocount to photoselection count
	set startcount to display dialog "You have selected " & photocount & " pictures. What number would you like to the photo numbers to start at?" default answer "000"
	set fileextension to display dialog "What file extension would you like to use?" default answer ".jpg"
	(* set file name of photoselection to photographercode *)
	display dialog photographercode
end tell

Thanks so much!

Mine is a little bloated so I’d love to see some other responses with better coding so I can improve my Applescript.

But – it works.

tell application "Finder"
	set photoselection to choose file with prompt "Select files to rename:" with multiple selections allowed
	set photographercode to display dialog "Enter the photographer code:" default answer "000"
	count photoselection
	set photocount to photoselection count
	set startcount to display dialog "You have selected " & photocount & " pictures. What number would you like to the photo numbers to start at?" default answer "000"
	set fileextension to display dialog "What file extension would you like to use?" default answer ".jpg"
	set currentcount to (text returned of startcount) as integer
	repeat with currfile from 1 to photocount
		if currentcount is less than 100 and currentcount is greater than 10 then
			set text_counter to "0" & currentcount
		else if currentcount is less than 10 then
			set text_counter to "00" & currentcount
			set text_counter to currentcount
		end if
		set final_filename to (text returned of photographercode) & text_counter & (text returned of fileextension)
		set name of file (item currfile of photoselection) to final_filename
		set currentcount to 1 + currentcount
	end repeat
end tell

Thanks so much! That works perfectly. Does anyone have any less bulky ideas? I am interested as well.

There’s nothing wrong with Bdemers code but this is less bloated!

tell application "Finder"
	set photoselection to choose file with prompt "Select files to rename:" with multiple selections allowed
	set photographercode to text returned of (display dialog "Enter the photographer code:" default answer "000")
	set startcount to text returned of (display dialog "You have selected " & (count of (every item of photoselection)) & " pictures. What number would you like to the photo numbers to start at?" default answer "000")
	set fileextension to text returned of (display dialog "What file extension would you like to use?" default answer ".jpg")
	repeat with this_photo in photoselection
		if (count of characters of startcount) is 1 then
			set startcount to "00" & startcount
		else if (count of characters of startcount) is 2 then
			set startcount to "0" & startcount
		end if
		set name of this_photo to photographercode & startcount & fileextension
		set startcount to (startcount as integer) + 1 as string
	end repeat
end tell


And here’s another way to skin a cat. I personally prefer this method of zero padding an integer versus the if statements

tell application "Finder"
	set photoselection to choose file with prompt "Select files to rename:" with multiple selections allowed
	set photographercode to text returned of (display dialog "Enter the photographer code:" default answer "000")
	set startcount to text returned of (display dialog "You have selected " & (count of (every item of photoselection)) & " pictures. What number would you like to the photo numbers to start at?" default answer "000")
	set fileextension to text returned of (display dialog "What file extension would you like to use?" default answer ".jpg")
	repeat with this_photo in photoselection
		set name of this_photo to photographercode & (text -3 thru -1 of ("000" & startcount)) & fileextension
		set startcount to (startcount as integer) + 1 as string
	end repeat
end tell

Nice, thanks for the replies! It’s great to learn new techniques!

Yeah, this is really great to have so much input. Thanks guys.