File size in Print Manager

In OS9 I used to be able to find the size of any file that was being sent to a printer by simply clicking on it and getting info about it and I could even drag the file out of the print window and save a copy for future use (preventing my having to re-print the file, I could just drop the saved file back onto my printer icon).

This is inactive in OSX so I would like a way to script the print manager so I can check the size of a file currently being sent. And if it is possible I would like to make a copy of the file as well. Does anyone know if this is possible, and if it is how to go about scripting it?

Any help is appreciated.


I never tried scripting print manager. Maybe someone else will chime in on that.

If you have personal web sharing running on your OSX mac, open this URL…

Or just Google CUPS.

Basically, the OSX UNIX Printing System is all command-line accessible, so you can get to these sorts of things using “do shell script”.