filehandling script does not work on identical destination folders

Hi there, I have a filehandling script running which basically sorts, renames and moves files dropped into a folder on the desktop to it’s destination folder on a seperate drive. That script stopped working a while ago. To figure out why, I set up a different folder in the destination volume with exactly the same specs/permissions, and that one works!
So I would like to know why the script fails on the original destination folder but works on the new set up destination folder which is identical but the name itself.

I made two log files:

Log No.1: Script working with new destination folder

Log No.2: Script failing with old destination folder

Dropbox folder on the desktop and assigned applescript stays the same, except for the destination folder path.
The script is assigned to the dropbox folder [filehandler] as folder action script.

The error message i get from the OS is:
[Error GTP01: Content of folder - Volumes:fileshare mirrored:fileshare:projects:3 ongoing: could not be read. Abort. (-1728, Finder got an error: Can’t get folder “Volumes:fileshare mirrored:fileshare:projects:3 ongoing:” of startup disk)

Any advice is appreciated!!!

Log No.1:
3/29/12 - 11:22:09 MAIN00 startig process…
3/29/12 - 11:22:09 RHI00 start
3/29/12 - 11:22:09 FE01 about to check for existence of folder >_temp< at location >Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:<
3/29/12 - 11:22:09 RHI01 create UNFILED folder
3/29/12 - 11:22:09 FE01 about to check for existence of folder >_unfiled< at location >Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:<
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 RHI02 create TEMP folder
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GFI01 folder: Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:_unfiled:
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 RHI04 start
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 RHI03 move files to TEMP folder
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GFI01 folder: Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GIN01
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 TE01 about to check existence of path >Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:_temp:M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg<
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 TE02 about to process shell command >/bin/ls ‘/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_temp/M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg’<
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 Error TE01: target >Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:_temp:M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg< does not exist. (1, ls: /Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_temp/M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg: No such file or directory)
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 SI10 itemNameFree: true
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 MIO00 start
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 MIO01 about to move item >/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg< to >/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_temp/M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg<
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 TS01 about to process shell script command: >mv -f ‘/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg’ ‘/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_temp/M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg’<
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GIN01
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GIN01
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 RHI04 re-hash items in target folder
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GFI01 folder: Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:_temp:
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 RHI99 end
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 MAIN10 re-hash successful…
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 SPD02 processing item 1 of 1
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GP01 POSIX: >/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_temp/M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg<
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 SP01 about to set privileges >777< to POSIX >/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_temp/M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg<
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 TS01 about to process shell script command: >chmod -R 777 ‘/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_temp/M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg’<
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GIN01
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GCN00 start
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 getExtension start. itemName: M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 entering loop… no of items: 21
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 after loop. index: 5
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 extension: .jpeg
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GCN10 get type
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GIX01 item count >4<
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GIX02 item1 >WK<
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GIX02 item2 >CU<
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GIX02 item3 >SU<
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GIX02 item4 >RS<
3/29/12 - 11:22:12 GIX01 item count >4<
3/29/12 - 11:22:12 GIX02 item1 >project<
3/29/12 - 11:22:12 NIV00 start. name: M_120326 V01 V01
3/29/12 - 11:22:12 NIV99 file name is valid: false
3/29/12 - 11:22:12 GCN20 get number
3/29/12 - 11:22:12 TE01 about to check existence of path >Volumes:fileshare mirrored:test:projects:3 ongoing:<
3/29/12 - 11:22:12 TE02 about to process shell command >/bin/ls ‘/Volumes/fileshare mirrored/test/projects/3 ongoing/’<
3/29/12 - 11:22:13 GFD01 path: Volumes:fileshare mirrored:test:projects:3 ongoing:
3/29/12 - 11:22:14 PFN11 leaving dialog loop…
3/29/12 - 11:22:14 TE01 about to check existence of path >Volumes:fileshare mirrored:test:projects:3 ongoing:<
3/29/12 - 11:22:14 TE02 about to process shell command >/bin/ls ‘/Volumes/fileshare mirrored/test/projects/3 ongoing/’<
3/29/12 - 11:22:16 PFN11 leaving dialog loop…
3/29/12 - 11:22:18 GIX01 item count >8<
3/29/12 - 11:22:18 GIX02 item1 >accounting<
3/29/12 - 11:22:18 GIX02 item2 >communication<
3/29/12 - 11:22:18 GIX02 item3 >documentation<
3/29/12 - 11:22:18 GIX02 item4 >event<
3/29/12 - 11:22:18 STO tracks set for type: >1< domain:>E<
3/29/12 - 11:22:20 GIX01 item count >4<
3/29/12 - 11:22:20 GIX02 item1 >catering<
3/29/12 - 11:22:20 GIX02 item2 >multimedia<
3/29/12 - 11:22:20 GCN50 get date
3/29/12 - 11:22:20 GDS90 date: 120326
3/29/12 - 11:22:21 GCN60 get description
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 GCN70 get version
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 GCN90 end of dialog loop
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 GCN99 return: WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 TE01 about to check existence of path >Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:_unfiled:WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 Error TE01: target >Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:_unfiled:WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg< does not exist. (-1700, Can�t make quoted form of POSIX path of {alias “Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:”, “_unfiled”, “:”, “WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg”} into type Unicode text.)
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 SI10 itemNameFree: true
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 MIO00 start
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 MIO01 about to move item >/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_temp/M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg< to >/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_unfiled/WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 TS01 about to process shell script command: >mv -f ‘/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_temp/M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg’ ‘/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_unfiled/WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg’<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 TE01 about to check existence of path >Volumes:fileshare mirrored:test:<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 TE02 about to process shell command >/bin/ls ‘/Volumes/fileshare mirrored/test/’<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 GIX01 item count >8<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 GIX02 item1 >A<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 GIX02 item2 >C<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 GIX02 item3 >D<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 GIX02 item4 >E<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 GTP30 target path: Volumes:fileshare mirrored:test:projects:3 ongoing:WK0531 synova PHOTONIX12 Tokyo:event:
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 TE01 about to check existence of path >Volumes:fileshare mirrored:test:projects:3 ongoing:WK0531 synova PHOTONIX12 Tokyo:event:WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 TE02 about to process shell command >/bin/ls ‘/Volumes/fileshare mirrored/test/projects/3 ongoing/WK0531 synova PHOTONIX12 Tokyo/event/WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg’<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 Error TE01: target >Volumes:fileshare mirrored:test:projects:3 ongoing:WK0531 synova PHOTONIX12 Tokyo:event:WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg< does not exist. (1, ls: /Volumes/fileshare mirrored/test/projects/3 ongoing/WK0531 synova PHOTONIX12 Tokyo/event/WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg: No such file or directory)
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 SI10 itemNameFree: true
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 MIO00 start
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 MIO01 about to move item >/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_unfiled/WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg< to >/Volumes/fileshare mirrored/test/projects/3 ongoing/WK0531 synova PHOTONIX12 Tokyo/event/WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 TS01 about to process shell script command: >mv -f ‘/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_unfiled/WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg’ ‘/Volumes/fileshare mirrored/test/projects/3 ongoing/WK0531 synova PHOTONIX12 Tokyo/event/WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg’<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 MAIN20 process ended normally

Log No.2:
3/29/12 - 11:22:09 MAIN00 startig process…
3/29/12 - 11:22:09 RHI00 start
3/29/12 - 11:22:09 FE01 about to check for existence of folder >_temp< at location >Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:<
3/29/12 - 11:22:09 RHI01 create UNFILED folder
3/29/12 - 11:22:09 FE01 about to check for existence of folder >_unfiled< at location >Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:<
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 RHI02 create TEMP folder
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GFI01 folder: Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:_unfiled:
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 RHI04 start
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 RHI03 move files to TEMP folder
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GFI01 folder: Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GIN01
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 TE01 about to check existence of path >Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:_temp:M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg<
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 TE02 about to process shell command >/bin/ls ‘/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_temp/M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg’<
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 Error TE01: target >Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:_temp:M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg< does not exist. (1, ls: /Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_temp/M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg: No such file or directory)
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 SI10 itemNameFree: true
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 MIO00 start
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 MIO01 about to move item >/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg< to >/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_temp/M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg<
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 TS01 about to process shell script command: >mv -f ‘/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg’ ‘/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_temp/M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg’<
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GIN01
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GIN01
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 RHI04 re-hash items in target folder
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GFI01 folder: Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:_temp:
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 RHI99 end
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 MAIN10 re-hash successful…
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 SPD02 processing item 1 of 1
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GP01 POSIX: >/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_temp/M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg<
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 SP01 about to set privileges >777< to POSIX >/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_temp/M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg<
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 TS01 about to process shell script command: >chmod -R 777 ‘/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_temp/M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg’<
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GIN01
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GCN00 start
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 getExtension start. itemName: M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 entering loop… no of items: 21
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 after loop. index: 5
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 extension: .jpeg
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GCN10 get type
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GIX01 item count >4<
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GIX02 item1 >WK<
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GIX02 item2 >CU<
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GIX02 item3 >SU<
3/29/12 - 11:22:10 GIX02 item4 >RS<
3/29/12 - 11:22:12 GIX01 item count >4<
3/29/12 - 11:22:12 GIX02 item1 >project<
3/29/12 - 11:22:12 NIV00 start. name: M_120326 V01 V01
3/29/12 - 11:22:12 NIV99 file name is valid: false
3/29/12 - 11:22:12 GCN20 get number
3/29/12 - 11:22:12 TE01 about to check existence of path >Volumes:fileshare mirrored:test:projects:3 ongoing:<
3/29/12 - 11:22:12 TE02 about to process shell command >/bin/ls ‘/Volumes/fileshare mirrored/test/projects/3 ongoing/’<
3/29/12 - 11:22:13 GFD01 path: Volumes:fileshare mirrored:test:projects:3 ongoing:
3/29/12 - 11:22:14 PFN11 leaving dialog loop…
3/29/12 - 11:22:14 TE01 about to check existence of path >Volumes:fileshare mirrored:test:projects:3 ongoing:<
3/29/12 - 11:22:14 TE02 about to process shell command >/bin/ls ‘/Volumes/fileshare mirrored/test/projects/3 ongoing/’<
3/29/12 - 11:22:16 PFN11 leaving dialog loop…
3/29/12 - 11:22:18 GIX01 item count >8<
3/29/12 - 11:22:18 GIX02 item1 >accounting<
3/29/12 - 11:22:18 GIX02 item2 >communication<
3/29/12 - 11:22:18 GIX02 item3 >documentation<
3/29/12 - 11:22:18 GIX02 item4 >event<
3/29/12 - 11:22:18 STO tracks set for type: >1< domain:>E<
3/29/12 - 11:22:20 GIX01 item count >4<
3/29/12 - 11:22:20 GIX02 item1 >catering<
3/29/12 - 11:22:20 GIX02 item2 >multimedia<
3/29/12 - 11:22:20 GCN50 get date
3/29/12 - 11:22:20 GDS90 date: 120326
3/29/12 - 11:22:21 GCN60 get description
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 GCN70 get version
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 GCN90 end of dialog loop
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 GCN99 return: WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 TE01 about to check existence of path >Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:_unfiled:WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 Error TE01: target >Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:_unfiled:WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg< does not exist. (-1700, Can�t make quoted form of POSIX path of {alias “Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:”, “_unfiled”, “:”, “WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg”} into type Unicode text.)
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 SI10 itemNameFree: true
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 MIO00 start
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 MIO01 about to move item >/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_temp/M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg< to >/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_unfiled/WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 TS01 about to process shell script command: >mv -f ‘/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_temp/M_120326 V01 V01.jpeg’ ‘/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_unfiled/WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg’<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 TE01 about to check existence of path >Volumes:fileshare mirrored:test:<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 TE02 about to process shell command >/bin/ls ‘/Volumes/fileshare mirrored/test/’<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 GIX01 item count >8<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 GIX02 item1 >A<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 GIX02 item2 >C<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 GIX02 item3 >D<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 GIX02 item4 >E<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 GTP30 target path: Volumes:fileshare mirrored:test:projects:3 ongoing:WK0531 synova PHOTONIX12 Tokyo:event:
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 TE01 about to check existence of path >Volumes:fileshare mirrored:test:projects:3 ongoing:WK0531 synova PHOTONIX12 Tokyo:event:WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 TE02 about to process shell command >/bin/ls ‘/Volumes/fileshare mirrored/test/projects/3 ongoing/WK0531 synova PHOTONIX12 Tokyo/event/WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg’<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 Error TE01: target >Volumes:fileshare mirrored:test:projects:3 ongoing:WK0531 synova PHOTONIX12 Tokyo:event:WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg< does not exist. (1, ls: /Volumes/fileshare mirrored/test/projects/3 ongoing/WK0531 synova PHOTONIX12 Tokyo/event/WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg: No such file or directory)
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 SI10 itemNameFree: true
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 MIO00 start
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 MIO01 about to move item >/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_unfiled/WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg< to >/Volumes/fileshare mirrored/test/projects/3 ongoing/WK0531 synova PHOTONIX12 Tokyo/event/WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 TS01 about to process shell script command: >mv -f ‘/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_unfiled/WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg’ ‘/Volumes/fileshare mirrored/test/projects/3 ongoing/WK0531 synova PHOTONIX12 Tokyo/event/WK0531_EMM_120326 M_120326 V01 V01 V01.jpeg’<
3/29/12 - 11:22:22 MAIN20 process ended normally
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 MAIN00 startig process…
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 RHI00 start
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 FE01 about to check for existence of folder >_temp< at location >Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:<
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 RHI01 create UNFILED folder
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 FE01 about to check for existence of folder >_unfiled< at location >Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:<
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 RHI02 create TEMP folder
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 GFI01 folder: Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:_unfiled:
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 RHI04 start
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 RHI03 move files to TEMP folder
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 GFI01 folder: Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 GIN01
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 GIN01
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 GIN01
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 TE01 about to check existence of path >Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:_temp:test2.jpeg<
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 TE02 about to process shell command >/bin/ls ‘/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_temp/test2.jpeg’<
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 Error TE01: target >Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:_temp:test2.jpeg< does not exist. (1, ls: /Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_temp/test2.jpeg: No such file or directory)
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 SI10 itemNameFree: true
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 MIO00 start
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 MIO01 about to move item >/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/test2.jpeg< to >/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_temp/test2.jpeg<
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 TS01 about to process shell script command: >mv -f ‘/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/test2.jpeg’ ‘/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_temp/test2.jpeg’<
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 RHI04 re-hash items in target folder
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 GFI01 folder: Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:_temp:
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 RHI99 end
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 MAIN10 re-hash successful…
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 SPD02 processing item 1 of 1
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 GP01 POSIX: >/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_temp/test2.jpeg<
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 SP01 about to set privileges >777< to POSIX >/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_temp/test2.jpeg<
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 TS01 about to process shell script command: >chmod -R 777 ‘/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_temp/test2.jpeg’<
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 GIN01
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 GCN00 start
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 getExtension start. itemName: test2.jpeg
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 entering loop… no of items: 10
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 after loop. index: 5
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 extension: .jpeg
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 GCN10 get type
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 GIX01 item count >4<
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 GIX02 item1 >WK<
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 GIX02 item2 >CU<
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 GIX02 item3 >SU<
3/29/12 - 11:45:41 GIX02 item4 >RS<
3/29/12 - 11:45:44 GIX01 item count >4<
3/29/12 - 11:45:44 GIX02 item1 >project<
3/29/12 - 11:45:44 NIV00 start. name: test2
3/29/12 - 11:45:44 NIV99 file name is valid: false
3/29/12 - 11:45:44 GCN20 get number
3/29/12 - 11:45:44 TE01 about to check existence of path >Volumes:fileshare mirrored:fileshare:projects:3 ongoing:<
3/29/12 - 11:45:44 TE02 about to process shell command >/bin/ls ‘/Volumes/fileshare mirrored/fileshare/projects/3 ongoing/’<
3/29/12 - 11:45:44 Error TE01: target >Volumes:fileshare mirrored:fileshare:projects:3 ongoing:< does not exist. (1, ls: /Volumes/fileshare mirrored/fileshare/projects/3 ongoing/: No such file or directory)
3/29/12 - 11:45:44 PFN10 offline!
3/29/12 - 11:46:09 GIX01 item count >8<
3/29/12 - 11:46:09 GIX02 item1 >accounting<
3/29/12 - 11:46:09 GIX02 item2 >communication<
3/29/12 - 11:46:09 GIX02 item3 >documentation<
3/29/12 - 11:46:09 GIX02 item4 >event<
3/29/12 - 11:46:09 STO tracks set for type: >1< domain:>E<
3/29/12 - 11:46:11 GIX01 item count >4<
3/29/12 - 11:46:11 GIX02 item1 >catering<
3/29/12 - 11:46:11 GIX02 item2 >multimedia<
3/29/12 - 11:46:11 GIX02 item3 >staffing<
3/29/12 - 11:46:11 GCN50 get date
3/29/12 - 11:46:11 GDS90 date: 120326
3/29/12 - 11:46:13 GCN60 get description
3/29/12 - 11:46:13 GCN70 get version
3/29/12 - 11:46:13 GCN90 end of dialog loop
3/29/12 - 11:46:13 GCN99 return: WK0531_EST_120326 test2 V01.jpeg
3/29/12 - 11:46:13 TE01 about to check existence of path >Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:_unfiled:WK0531_EST_120326 test2 V01.jpeg<
3/29/12 - 11:46:13 Error TE01: target >Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:_unfiled:WK0531_EST_120326 test2 V01.jpeg< does not exist. (-1700, Can�t make quoted form of POSIX path of {alias “Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:”, “_unfiled”, “:”, “WK0531_EST_120326 test2 V01.jpeg”} into type Unicode text.)
3/29/12 - 11:46:13 SI10 itemNameFree: true
3/29/12 - 11:46:13 MIO00 start
3/29/12 - 11:46:13 MIO01 about to move item >/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_temp/test2.jpeg< to >/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_unfiled/WK0531_EST_120326 test2 V01.jpeg<
3/29/12 - 11:46:13 TS01 about to process shell script command: >mv -f ‘/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_temp/test2.jpeg’ ‘/Users/thomas/Desktop/filehandler/_unfiled/WK0531_EST_120326 test2 V01.jpeg’<
3/29/12 - 11:46:13 TE01 about to check existence of path >Volumes:fileshare mirrored:fileshare:<
3/29/12 - 11:46:13 TE02 about to process shell command >/bin/ls ‘/Volumes/fileshare mirrored/fileshare/’<
3/29/12 - 11:46:17 MAIN30 process ended abnormally

Model: Macbook Pro and Mac Pro Mid 2009
AppleScript: 2.2.1
Browser: Firefox 9.0.1
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.7)


it might be better to have the code rather than just the log.
It looks like there are concatenation/ coercion errors.

Ok, Since this is commercially used, I am not sure that I am allowed to post it here though.
But since it’s not working anymore anyway… well. How can I post it here? It exceeds the max. amount of characters per post.

wow, actually I meant just the non-working code.

At the beginning of the script the sample HFS path is not correct.
HFS paths start always with a disk name unlike POSIX paths which start with a slash representing the root directory of the startup volume.

For example, a given POSIX path


has the HFS equivalent

Macintosh HD:Users:myUser:Desktop:

And for an external or shared volume


the HFS representation is


Hi Stefan,

The path is ok. “fileshare mirrored” is the volume and “fileshare” is the target folder. Volumes:fileshare mirrored:fileshare:
It works, when I use the test folder “test”
Volumes:fileshare mirrored:test:

“fileshare mirrored” is not the startup volume. it is a separate RAID volume inside a Mac Pro accessed from several computers in the network. Data is supposed to be placed via the filehandler script by dropping files into the dropbox on the networked computers Desktop. the script is attached to those Dropboxes on each computer individually.

The thing is, with the “test” folder it works, but with the “fileshare” folder it doesn’t even they are in the same place, have the same permissions, etc.
Script started giving errors after upgrading to snow leopard. So I suspected some changes in Applescript might have caused the trouble. But then again, with one folder it works and with the other it doesn’t…

Thanks for your help!

What does Error GTP01: Content of folder - Volumes:fileshare mirrored:fileshare:projects:3 ongoing: could not be read. Abort. (-1728, Finder got an error: Can’t get folder “Volumes:fileshare mirrored:fileshare:projects:3 ongoing:” of startup disk) really mean?

Even if it works, HFS paths starting with Volumes: are no valid HFS paths

the part

tell application "Finder"
         set gtp_folderList to name of folders of folder gtp_workPath of startup disk
 end tell

should be in case of an external volume

tell application "Finder"
         set gtp_folderList to name of folders of folder gtp_workPath of disk "fileshare mirrored"
 end tell

I recommend anyway to work with full HFS paths instead of a chain of Finder object specifiers

tell application "Finder"
         set gtp_folderList to name of folders of folder "fileshare mirrored:path:to:folder"
 end tell

Hi Stefan,

I did that, both versions.

Doesn’t change anything, the error remains.

there are a lot of other lines containing “of startup disk”

The AppleScript error message “Can’t get folder” indicates that the path to the folder is not valid / does not exist

Here’s another error-worthy point:

if (count of items in gtp_choiceItems) > 0 then
	set gtp_choiceItems to sortlist {gtp_choiceItems, gtp_choiceSortPOS}
	choose from list gtp_choiceItems with prompt "Please select customer for item" & lb & gtp_fileName & lb & "(e.g. 'Disney Corp')" OK button name buttonOK cancel button name gtp_buttonSortChoose with empty selection allowed without multiple selections allowed

‘sortlist’ is a command from the Satimage OSAX (which presumably is installed on the computer). gtp_choiceitems is a list and gtp_choiceSortPOS an integer, so you’re passing ‘sortlist’ a list containing a list and an integer. The result is a list containing two lists: a sorted version of the original gtp_choiceItems and a list containing gtp_choiceSortPOS coerced to real. Passing this list of lists to ‘choose from list’ will cause an error unless both lists contain exactly one item.

Dear Nigel,

Thank you for your contribution. To be honest, I do not understand much about scripting, but have to deal with this problem… Even there are those flaws like you mention, the script is actually working good on the test folder.
It was working on my fileshare folder until i upgraded to snow leopard and then Lion.
So since it’s working now with the new “test” folder set up on the latest OS, I suspect it’s rather a permissions problem, that the filehandler script cannot check for the folder existence.
Anyway thank you for all your advices.

best regards,


Actually, my comment about ‘sortlist’ seems to be misplaced. I’ve noticed this morning that towards the end of the second instalment of the script, there’s a handler called ‘sortList(sl_list, sl_pos)’, which compiles on my machine (with Satimage OSAX installed) as ‘sortlist {sl_list, sl_pos}’. So the code fragment I pointed out doesn’t look like that in the original script and probably works after all ” even with Satimage installed, since the handler statement intercepts the calls to the OSAX command.

We get a lot of that on AppleScript forums. :confused:

Possibly, but the error message you highlighted screams that it’s more likely to be what Stefan said it was: the intial ‘pathStorage’ path is rubbish and it’s handled incorrectly after that. The fact that you don’t get that particular error with another folder is irrelevant. It could just be that, with the other folder, the program flow doesn’t include the line which throws the error.

The GTP01 message is generated in the getTargetPath() handler when ‘numberUSE’ is true and there’s a problem executing the statement:

tell application "Finder"
	set gtp_folderList to name of folders of folder gtp_workPath of startup disk
end tell

The first part of the message ” “Error GTP01: Content of folder - Volumes:fileshare mirrored:fileshare:projects:3 ongoing: could not be read. Abort.” ” is fixed in the script and doesn’t tell you anything useful. The rest ” “(-1728, Finder got an error: Can’t get folder “Volumes:fileshare mirrored:fileshare:projects:3 ongoing:” of startup disk)” ” is the error reported by the Finder. The incorrect folder specifier is an obvious giveaway and can be shown to be a problem simply by trying it with a folder to which you know you have access:

-- Incorrect path to a volume on my other computer, currently mounted.
set pathStorage to "Volumes:G5 Leopard:"

-- Tell the Finder to get the folder using that path. No other frills.
tell application "Finder" to get folder pathStorage
--> error "Finder got an error: Can't get folder \"Volumes:G5 Leopard:\"." number -1728 from folder "Volumes:G5 Leopard:"

-- Ditto, but with 'of startup disk'.
tell application "Finder" to get folder pathStorage of startup disk
--> error "Finder got an error: Can't get folder \"Volumes:G5 Leopard:\" of startup disk." number -1728 from folder "Volumes:G5 Leopard:" of startup disk


There’s also a bad error which appears in both logs: “Error TE01: target >Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:_unfiled:WK0531_EST_120326 test2 V01.jpeg< does not exist. (-1700, Cant make quoted form of POSIX path of {alias “Macintosh HD:Users:thomas:Desktop:filehandler:”, “_unfiled”, “:”, “WK0531_EST_120326 test2 V01.jpeg”} into type Unicode text.)”

This appears to be because somewhere along the line, the targetExists() handler is being passed a list instead of a path. The handler’s attempt to concatenate the impossible ‘quoted form of POSIX path’ of this list to "/bin/ls " is the error that’s being reported. The list itself is undoubted the result of some process upstream of the handler trying to concatenate text to an alias instead of to a path, but I haven’t tracked it down yet.

By the way, your Log 2 begins with the whole of Log 1, which rather obfuscates the situation.

Thanks guys, will try to solve it. Just erased the script for C reasons.