I am using Filemaker Pro Advanced 8.5 and discovered a problem with the applescript compiler.
The orginal filenaker scripts were in version7 and would compile. When I have tried to edit the in 8.5 I get"Application isn’t running" error when trying to compile a script that includes Image Events. It compiles fine in script editor and I have tried copy and paste tactics to and from text edit but still get the same error.
Any ideas ???
could you post what you have ?
This is the handler that it won’t compile
on resizeiamge(aFile, theResize, mainpic)
tell application "Image Events"
set this_image to open aFile --resize the image
scale this_image to size theResize
set theName to the name of the this_image --create a new name and save path
tell application "Finder" to set myTempFileName to (pathtopro & theName as text)
tell application "Finder"
if (file myTempFileName exists) then --make sure that the name we want isn't already being used. If it is, make a new one
set nameCounter to 1
set done to false
repeat until done
set myTempFileName to nameCounter & myTempFileName
if not {} then
set done to true
set nameCounter to nameCounter + 1
end if
end repeat
end if
end tell
save this_image as JPEG in file myTempFileName with icon
close this_image
end tell
set aFile to alias (pathtopro & theName as text)
my mailspot(aFile, mainpic)
end resizeiamge
ok so what is calling the handler ? I’m guessing you are calling this in filemaker that is a where I think the problem may be
Its part of a larger script called within Filemaker. When I try to compile (in Filemaker) It highlights Image Events and errors “Application isn’t running”.
The orginal script was written in Filemaker 7 and compiled fine. If this can’t be solved I am going to have to call the script as an Apple Event.
I just made new script in FMP advanced 8.5 add then made a script step to “Perfrom applescript” pasted it in and it compiled fine not sure what the problem is, you man just try making a nnew applescirpt step like I ddi and see if that works
Tried that and it won’t compile
What version of filemaker are you running? mine is 8.0v1