I don’t know how to make this work…
I must replace a paragraph in “N Helvetica Narrow” with the font “Helvetica LT Pro Bold Narrow” but it doesn’t work.
The font is a family I guess. There is:
- Helvetica LT Pro
With Microsoft Word It breaks down in a sub-menu in:
- Bold Narrow
- Narrow
Here is a small portion of the script. Ih I say “Helvetica LT Pro Narrow” it works… but if I say “Helvetica LT Pro Bold Narrow”, it doesn’t work…
set myFind to find object of text object of active document
clear formatting myFind
set name of font object of myFind to "N Helvetica Narrow"
set bold of font object of myFind to true
set content of myFind to ""
clear formatting replacement of myFind
set name of font object of replacement of myFind to "Helvetica LT Pro Bold Narrow"
set content of replacement of myFind to ""
execute find myFind replace replace all
My question is: Is there a way to assign a font to a paragraph other by it’s font Name? Can I use the internnal font ID or something else?
Or what is the solution? Because I am stuck…
Thanks for any help.
Andrew Hobson