Find Replace Textframe

I am new to indesign cs3 trying to do a search and replace of text in a specified frame…
Just a simple find and replace of text. Can someone help me out.

tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
	tell mySpread to set testframe to make text frame with properties {geometric bounds:{"62", "3", "55", "45"}, contents:"House", label:"Seller"}
search for "House" replacing with "Car" of testframe, with case sensitive
end tell


try this

tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
	-- activate
	tell document 1
		set testframe to make text frame with properties {geometric bounds:{"62", "3", "55", "45"}, contents:"House", label:"Seller"}
	end tell
	set find text preferences to nothing
	set change text preferences to nothing
	set find what of find text preferences to "House"
	set change to of change text preferences to "Car"
	tell testframe to change text
end tell

   set find text preferences to nothing
   set change text preferences to nothing
   set find what of find text preferences to "House"
   set change to of change text preferences to "Car"
   tell testframe to change text

is there a way to change text only by only specifying the label of the frame
such as
tell label “seller” to change text

not directly but this way

tell (text frames of document 1 whose label is "seller") to change text