I know there was an AppleScript bug in Finder 10.1 that erroneously reported that Finder windows in icon view arranged by name were not arranged. I believe this was fixed in 10.2 but it appears to be broken again in Finder 10.3. In addition, it also appears to be broken when returning the state when arranged by label as well. To test, you can use this script:
Can others confirm the results I’m seeing? I’ve reported this bug to Apple but have not heard back.
--> {not arranged, not arranged, arranged by modification date, arranged by creation date, arranged by size, arranged by kind, arranged by label, snap to grid}
Taking it as an individual step, this does actually set the view in the front window to arrangement by name and the change is reflected in the window’s View Options panel:
tell application "Finder"
set arrangement of icon view options of front window to arranged by name
end tell
But ‘getting’ the arrangement by script afterwards returns ‘not arranged’.
Arrangement by label isn’t an option in 10.2.8, but running a script to set it effects an arrangement by name and causes ‘Keep arranged by: Name’ to be set in the View Options panel. Quizzing the arrangement by script, however, returns ‘arranged by label’. Interesting.
Yes, I should have been clear. Setting the arrangement by any of the constants works correctly, it’s just getting that value from the Finder which is the bug. Apple added the label feature in 10.2 but didn’t enable it until 10.3 but it is still somewhat available via scripting.
Apple acknowledged this bug in 10.1 in the window scripts they made available on their site but I thought it was fixed in 10.2 (I could be wrong). This is a problem for me because I am creating window Sets and if “not arranged” could really be not arranged, arranged by name, or arranged by label, it is inelegant to set a single override for every situation and a pain to ask the user for every window.
Is this just a “file cache” problem? I’ve noticed that you can tell the Finder to do something, and it will do it, but it won’t reflect those changes for several seconds, neither visually nor by script query.
I have found on several other occasions, that Finder appears “lazy” updating and reporting its new status (apart from its single-threaded behavior when looking for a lost server connection, locking up every other action…even more compelling…)
But this is different from the phenomenon Jonn just observes