Finder fails to make folder

I’ve looked in the archives, but don’t see that this is resolved for someone else. Here’s my code and results:

property folder_name : "Databases:"
set appSupportPatha to path to application support from user domain -->alias "Macintosh HD:Users:swalton:Library:Application Support:"
set dataFolderPatha to (appSupportPatha & folder_name) as string
tell application "Finder"
	if not (exists folder dataFolderPatha) then make folder at appSupportPatha with properties {name:folder_name} --> exists folder "Macintosh HD:Users:swalton:Library:Application Support:Databases:"
		--> false
end tell --finder -->make at alias "Macintosh HD:Users:swalton:Library:Application Support:" with properties {name:"Databases:"} new folder
--> error "Finder got an error: The operation can't be completed." number -37

Unsure what I’m overlooking? The permissions for Application Support says I can read and write. Terminal has these permissions: drwxrwxrwx+
This is Snow Leopard 10.6.3

thanx, sam


the problem is the trailing colon in the property folder_name.
Colons are not allowed in folder names

D’oH! That’s the voice of experience there. That’s why it fails, thanx, sam