I am trying to add functionality to my already existing script.
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS6"
set myText to name of document 1 as string
set myJobNumber to (characters 1 thru 6 of myText) as string
set myDesktopFolder to path to desktop as string
set myFile to myDesktopFolder & "OUT:" & myJobNumber & "proof.pdf" as string
set properties of PDF export preferences to {export layers:true, generate thumbnails:true, pdf magnification:fit page, pdf page layout:single page}
export document 1 format PDF type to myFile without showing options
close document 1 saving yes
end tell
All this does is save my current opened file to a PDF named by the first 6 characters of the file name. What I would like to do next, is for the script to see if there is a XXXXXXproof.pdf file in the folder first. If there is one already, then the file name saved should be XXXXXXproof1.pdf. The trick here is that there might be 4 proof files, so I need to do something like:
tell application "Finder"
--find all the proof files
set myList to name of every file in myFolder whose name contains "PROOF"
--check to see if the list is empty
--if it is empty, then the are no proofs yet
if last item of myList is "" then
set myFileName to "123456proof.pdf"
-- the list wasn't empty and there is a proof in there
-- if the proof name ends in an F, then the next proof is proof1
-- i don't know the correct syntax here:
set myVersion to "the fifth character from the end of the last item of myList"
if myVersion = "f" then
set myFileName to "123456proof1.pdf"
--otherwise, there are multiple proofs in the folder, and the next
--proof number should be incremented by 1
set myNextVersion to myVersion + 1
set myFileName to "123456proof" & myNextVersion & ".pdf"
end if
end if
end tell
which will give me a list of ALL the proofs that have been created. Then, if myList is not empty, I can look at the last item and see what the 5th character from the end is. If it is “f”, then my file name gets a 1, if it is a number (like 1, 2, 3, 4, etc) then I can increment that number by 1 and that’s my new proof name. Does this make sense? Is there an easier way to do this?
the names of files in my proofing folder might be something like this:
Can someone guide me along the road please.