Finding the correct space utilization

I’ve got three drives (one internal and two external) which are containing the exact same information.

When I perform a CMD+I on those drives the system display for each of those the same amount of space usage, the same number of files and folders.

However, when I execute a do shell script "ls -s " the information might not be the same if comparing an internal drive to an external drive. If comparing both external together I do get the same information.

I am satisfied with the result of the CMD+I. Is there a way in AppeScript to perform the CMD+I operation and to compare the outcome with an if statement?

Thanks again!


I’ve tried with the following syntax and I am getting a Finder error.

tell application "Finder"
	set totalSpace to round (the (usage of folder "GANDALF:RecordedVideo:") / 1024 / 1024)
	display dialog totalSpace
end tell