set urllist to {"", "", ""}
repeat with thisurl in urllist
set mydelay to 0.5
tell application "Firefox"
get URL thisurl
end tell
end repeat
Same thing with Firefox 3.5.7 here. ‘Get URL’ doesn’t compile as a command in its own right, but as the language command ‘get’ followed by the property keyword ‘URL’.
Writing from the heart of England, I don’t see how it could be clearer.
Firefox’s dictionary lists a command called ‘Get URL’. When compiling your script on my machine, I’d expect the relevant section to look like this in my preferred AppleScript formatting colours:
tellapplication“Firefox” Get URL thisurl end tell
. where green is my preference for application keywords and red my preference for AppleScript language keywords. Instead it looks like this:
tellapplication“Firefox” getURL thisurl end tell
. which shows that the compiler isn’t finding the application keyword ‘Get URL’ in Firefox’s dictionary. It’s using the language keyword ‘get’ instead and getting the keyword ‘URL’ from somewhere else.