FMP PORTALS: How do I reference those rows in AppleScript?

I’ve had great luck here in the past with fantastic responses, so here’s another go:

I’m trying to use AS to extract data from FMP (8.5) to then format into InDesign. Everything was going really smooth and easy until I found that some of the data was trapped in a Portal! (I think this is the right name for it.)

Data is displayed in the layout “Collateral_Data” on record 49. However, the data that I want to refer to is being pulled from a table other than the layout’s specified table (we’ll call it “Other_Table”). On the “Other_Table” the records are sorted alphabetically by some other field. I want to be able to call up the data from every field of one column of the portal as sorted on the “Collateral_Data” layout. (The portal has data fields lined up horizontally, so when they’re populated each row is data from a record.)

Here’s the ineffective code:

tell application "FileMaker Pro"
	tell record 49 of layout "Collateral_Data" of window 1 of document 1
		get data of every field whose label is "Locale" --Locale is a label of one of the fields that exist in "Other_Table"
	end tell
end tell


Did you ever figure this out?



No, I never did figure this one out, though I made some progress…

I can call up every field name on a layout, which includes portal fields and regular fields. This is a good step.

I also know that to refer to a field with info from a related table by using “relatedtable::thisfield”.

Now, one solution would be to use a “show related records” script. I believe this will work (and will experiment with it soon).

Regarding the trick of using portals though, I think that my endeavor is further complicated because the table that the portal is related to doesn’t actually exist (or so I’m led to believe). It’s a table made from relationships of several fields and other tables. I’m not sure how to best refer to it, at all.

Any insights into the A/S or FMP of this issue would be greatly appreciated!


Ok, I CAN refer to the table directly. But I want to only reference the records from the initial Layout. I could do a complex find/sort by fields, but if there’s a faster and more elegant way to achieve this, I would prefer it.


I don’t know if that’s elegant but it works… at least for me.

set recNum to 49
set targetLayout_name to "Collateral_Data"
set targetTO_name to "Other_Table"
set targetTO_field to "locale"

tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced" -- Change to your needs
		tell (first layout whose name is targetLayout_name) -- // Prefer the use of the layout ID rather than it's name ('cause you can have duplicates)
			tell fields to set field_Names to name -- get All it's field names.
			set RecordData to record recNum -- get All it's data.
		end tell
	on error
		error number -128 -- Cancel -> either the record or the layout doesn't exist
	end try
end tell

set RelatedRec_Column to targetTO_name & "::" & targetTO_field
if RelatedRec_Column is in field_Names then
	repeat with j from 1 to (count field_Names)
		if field_Names's item j is RelatedRec_Column then
			set RelatedRec_ColumnData to RecordData's item j
			--> do someting with RelatedRec_ColumnData
			exit repeat -- in case you have more then 1 occurrence of the target field on the target layout.
		end if
	end repeat
end if



Kudos Clement!

It’s able to harvest some data thus far, and with a little more toying, I think it may, in fact, be able to harvest the right data! This is a fantastic step forward! Thanks!


Does the script not answer this question ?

… It’s probably due to my lack of English :frowning: :slight_smile:

Can be that one of two following scripts will make the deal. Who knows!

Get every value of row n of portal x:

-- FileMaker Pro / Advanced
-- Get every value of row n of portal x

set targetLayout_name to "Collateral_Data"
set targetTO_name to "Other_Table"

----------------- // Change values according to your needs
set recNum to 1
set portalRow to 3

tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced" -- Change to your needs
		tell (first layout whose name is targetLayout_name)
			tell fields to set field_Names to name
			set RecordData to record recNum
		end tell
	on error
		error number -128
	end try
end tell

set |index| to {}
repeat with i from 1 to count field_Names
	if field_Names's item i begins with targetTO_name & "::" then set |index|'s end to i
end repeat

if (count (RecordData's item (|index|'s item 1))) > 0 then
	set thisPortalRow_Data to {}
	repeat with i in |index|
		set thisPortalRow_Data's end to (RecordData's item i)'s item portalRow
	end repeat
	return display dialog "No related records." buttons "Cancel" default button 1
end if

-- > Result: every value of row n of portal x of record y

or Get every row of portal x of record y:

-- FileMaker Pro / Advanced
-- Get every row of portal x of record y

----------------- // HANDLERS
to ReshapeArray(aList)
	script o
		property l : aList
		property colums : count l
		property rows : count l's item 1
		property ReshapedList : {}
	end script
	repeat with r from 1 to o's rows
		set thisRecord to {}
		repeat with c from 1 to o's colums
			set thisRecord's end to o's l's item c's item r
		end repeat
		set o's ReshapedList's end to thisRecord
	end repeat
	return o's ReshapedList
end ReshapeArray
----------------- //  END HANDLERS

set targetLayout_name to "Collateral_Data"
set targetTO_name to "Other_Table"

----------------- // Change value according to your needs
set recNum to 4
----------------- // End Change

tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced"
		tell (first layout whose name is targetLayout_name)
			tell fields to set field_Names to name
			set RecordData to record recNum
		end tell
	on error
		error number -128
	end try
end tell

set portalColumns to {}
repeat with i from 1 to count field_Names
	if field_Names's item i begins with (targetTO_name & "::") then set portalColumns's end to RecordData's item i
end repeat

--> Result: every row of portal x of record y, sorted as defined in relationship diagram or Format/Portal Setup.

I think we’ve covered here most common portal situations.:slight_smile:


Wow. That’s quite the extra mile of help there, Clement! Thanks!

The first one actually worked pretty well, and the subsequent ones work even better. I just had to manage to sift through my FMP database for the right table names, columns, related fields, etc…

For some reason, I greatly complicated how I thought about referring to tables using A/S. Your solution to use the “full field name” as a way to sort by which table each field is referencing, makes perfect sense.

I’m going to go read up more on script objects so that I can best understand how to maximize their potential, too.

Thanks again!