Folder Action, Automatic rsync and addition to subfolders


This is my first real attempt at doing something with AppleScript, which may explain why I am having trouble with it. I searched for similar topics but did not find anything that revealed to me what I was doing wrong or another way of doing this. If those exist, my apologies and please accept my humble request for a link to the appropriate location.

I have been playing around with this script for a few weeks. What I am wanting to do is set up a script so that anytime I add a new file or remove a file from my Documents directory, the directory is automatically rsync’d to my remote server. For reasons that I do not feel like going into, I cannot use Dropbox or some other product for this and really would rather do it myself.

Necessary Features:
*) Rsync to remote server when file added to or removed from Documents directory [working]
*) Rsync to remote server when documents added to subdirectory [not working]
*) Folder action added to subfolders automatically, when a subfolder is added - so that when new documents are added to those folders rsync to remote server is triggered [broken]

Wanted Future Features, after I fix what is already broken:
*) When folder removed from Documents the folder action should automatically be removed.
*) Stop folder actions from making the Documents folder “blink” when activated.
*) Rsync when files are modified - not just added or deleted.

Here is the code snippet that is generating an error. The error is “Can’t get folder of alias:”.

on updateFolders(each_item)

        -- This is where I am getting an error.  The "if class of each_item is folder" never seems to work.  I have wrapped this a dozen different ways and just do not seem to be getting anywhere with it.  I think it has something to do with the type that each_item is, but even adjusting that and trying to munge it about doesn't seem to be doing anything.
	if class of each_item is folder then
		tell application "Finder" to set theSubItems to (every item of each_item as alias list)
		repeat with thisItem in theSubItems
			tell application "System Events" to attach action to thisItem using SCRIPTPATH
		end repeat
	end if
end updateFolders

Note, I admit that I used someone else’s code for some of this. I cannot remember who offhand, but if I do I will be sure to annotate it with that information.

Here is the entire script, with remote server information removed:

-- Variables used by RSYNC
global SOURCE
global TARGET
global MODE

-- Initializes the RSYNC parameters and registers the script with GROWL 
on init()
	set TARGET to ""
	set SOURCE to "/Users/MyUser/Documents"
	set PARAMETERS to "-ra --delete-after -e ssh --out-format \"" & (ASCII character (37)) & "o " & (ASCII character (37)) & "n\" --exclude=\".DS_STORE\" "
	set MODE to "growl"
	-- set MODE to "dialog" -- use dialogs instead of growl if not installed..  snipped this code from someone, embarrassingly enough I cannot remember who or where, sorry :(.
	set SCRIPTNAME to "sync JDocuments folder.scpt"
	set SCRIPTPATH to ((path to Folder Action scripts) as text) & SCRIPTNAME
	-- If we are using growl we need to register this script with growl	
	if MODE is "growl" then
		tell application "GrowlHelperApp"
			set the allNotificationsList to {"sync"}
			set the enabledNotificationsList to allNotificationsList
			register as application ¬
				"SHARED folder actions" all notifications allNotificationsList ¬
				default notifications enabledNotificationsList ¬
				icon of application "Script Editor"
		end tell
	end if
end init

-- Synchronize the folders specified in SOURCE and TARGET using rsync
on synchronize(local_folder)
        -- gratuitous sync messages used while debugging.

	set message to do shell script "rsync" & " " & PARAMETERS & " " & SOURCE & " " & TARGET

	return message
end synchronize

on updateFolders(each_item)

        -- This is where I am losing it.  the "if class of each_item is folder" never seems to work.  I have wrapped this a dozen different ways and just do not seem to be getting anywhere with it.  I think it has something to do with the type that each_item is, but even adjusting that and trying to munge it about doesn't seem to be doing anything.
	if class of each_item is folder then
		tell application "Finder" to set theSubItems to (every item of each_item as alias list)
		repeat with thisItem in theSubItems
			tell application "System Events" to attach action to thisItem using SCRIPTPATH
		end repeat
	end if
end updateFolders

-- These two functions are called by the folder actions. they initialize the system according to preferences and then call the chosen notification system
on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
	notify(POSIX path of this_folder)
	repeat with each_item in added_items
		notify("repeat for each item")
		set message to updateFolders(each_item)
	end repeat
	set message to synchronize(POSIX path of this_folder)
end adding folder items to

on removing folder items from this_folder after losing removed_items
        -- this is where I need to add the remove action script from subfolders if removed from the directory.
	set message to synchronize(POSIX path of this_folder)
end removing folder items from

-- Sends an even to growl about modified files or open a dialog with the same information
on notify(message)
	-- let's avoid empty notifications (silly)
	if message is not "" then
		if MODE is "growl" then
			tell application "GrowlHelperApp"
				notify with name ¬
					"sync" title ¬
					"Folder updated" description ¬
					message application name "SHARED folder actions"
			end tell
		else if MODE is "dialog" then
			display dialog the ("folder update complete") giving up after 5
		end if
	end if
end notify

-- This function is just for testing, anything in here is executed by pressing "RUN" in the Applescript editor
on run
	-- Initialize
        -- various silly things I have done to test it at different times.

        -- not doing anything at the moment.
end run

Any help, especially with the error I am getting now would be appreciated. Suggestions for the other features I want to add would also be great, but my first focus is to debug what exists. If there is a better way to do all of this, I am all ears.
