Hi All,
This forum (and the people) have been extremely helpful. Thanks to all.
I have a folder action that copies any items added to another folder and renames them. It works great while it works. Unfortunately, it stops working after a while. I have bo clue why it stops. It is running on a OS X (Jaguar) Server.
Here’s a copy of the script.
on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items
tell application “Finder”
repeat with this_item in these_items
set newCopy to (duplicate this_item to folder “OS_X Server:PDF Server:PDF Proofs:ToUpload:”)
set oldName to name of this_item
set newName to (text 1 thru 6 of oldName) & “.pdf”
set name of newCopy to newName
end repeat
end tell
end adding folder items to
Any thoughts?
BTW, I’ve realized that I need to add something to replace files if it already exists nut have yet to do so.