I have a folder action tied to a script that renames files upon entry. Basically my hope was to have any new file containing the word “tahoe” that was moved into the appropriate folder on the desktop become renamed to “Forecast_” + theDateString.
If I run the script on it’s own - all is well. However, dropping the files into the folder in question does NOTHING. What am I missing here?
Here’s the script that the Folder Action is calling:
on zeroPad(theNumber)
set theString to ""
if theNumber is less than 10 then set theString to "0"
set theString to theString & theNumber
return theString
end zeroPad
set theDate to current date
set dayString to zeroPad((day of theDate) as integer)
set monthString to zeroPad((month of theDate) as integer)
set yearString to zeroPad((year of theDate) mod 100)
set theDateString to yearString & monthString & dayString
--should rename the "tahoe" file with "Forecast" + theDateString
set this_folder to ("Macintosh HD:Users:kevin:Desktop:Rename upon entry")
tell application "Finder"
if exists (files of folder this_folder whose name contains "tahoe") then
set name of (files of folder this_folder whose name contains "tahoe") to "Forecast_" & theDateString & ".pdf"
end if
end tell
thanks for the input. oddly enough i did just read the apple document you linked me to. so i’ll post the entire code for you. again, when ran stand-alone, the script does what it’s supposed to do. however, dropping a new file into the folder still does nothing. I just don’t know what i’m missing here.
OK. I shouldn’t say nothing happens…the first part of the following script does run: it presents me with the applescript dialog box. however, the file does NOT get renamed as i would like.
Here’s the entire script…only addition here is the first block:
on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items
tell application "Finder"
set this_name to the name of this_folder
end tell
display dialog ((the count of these_items) as string) & ¬
"items have been added to folder "" & this_name & ¬
""." buttons {"OK"} default button 1
end adding folder items to
on zeroPad(theNumber)
set theString to ""
if theNumber is less than 10 then set theString to "0"
set theString to theString & theNumber
return theString
end zeroPad
set theDate to current date
set dayString to zeroPad((day of theDate) as integer)
set monthString to zeroPad((month of theDate) as integer)
set yearString to zeroPad((year of theDate) mod 100)
set theDateString to yearString & monthString & dayString
--should rename the "tahoe" file with "Forecast" + theDateString
set this_folder to ("Macintosh HD:Users:kevin:Desktop:Rename upon entry")
tell application "Finder"
if exists (files of folder this_folder whose name contains "tahoe") then
set name of (files of folder this_folder whose name contains "tahoe") to "Forecast_" & theDateString & ".pdf"
end if
end tell
you need to include everything in your ‘on adding folder’ handler. i changed it for testing, but you should be able to figure this out:
on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items
tell application "Finder"
set this_name to the name of this_folder
end tell
display dialog ((the count of these_items) as string) & ¬
"items have been added to folder "" & this_name & ¬
""." buttons {"OK"} default button 1
set theDate to current date
set dayString to zeroPad((day of theDate) as integer)
set monthString to zeroPad((month of theDate) as integer)
set yearString to zeroPad((year of theDate) mod 100)
set theDateString to yearString & monthString & dayString
--should rename the "tahoe" file with "Forecast" + theDateString
set this_folder to ("Macintosh HD:Users:walt:Desktop:changeName")
tell application "Finder"
if exists (files of folder this_folder whose name contains "tahoe") then
set name of (files of folder this_folder whose name contains "tahoe") to "Forecast_" & theDateString & ".pdf"
end if
end tell
end adding folder items to
on zeroPad(theNumber)
set theString to ""
if theNumber is less than 10 then set theString to "0"
set theString to theString & theNumber
return theString
end zeroPad
works great!
EDITED to add: this does not ‘create’ a pdf file out of another type of file, but if the file passed in is already a pdf, this is a good renamer.
your script as a folder action can’t work, because
everything must be within the on adding… end adding… block.
Try this (I shortened the date math a bit ;))
on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items
set dest_folder to "Macintosh HD:Users:kevin:Desktop:Rename upon entry" as alias
tell (current date) to set theDateString to (text 3 thru 4 of (year as string)) & (text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & (its month as integer) as string)) & (text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & day as string))
repeat with this_item in these_items
tell application "Finder"
set {the_Name, ext} to {name, name extension} of this_item
if ext is not "" then set the_Name to text 1 thru ((count the_Name) - (count ext) - 1) of the_Name
move this_item to dest_folder
if the_Name contains "tahoe" then
set x to 1
set name of file the_Name of dest_folder to "Forecast_" & (x as string) & "_" & theDateString & ".pdf"
exit repeat
on error
set x to x + 1
end try
end repeat
end if
end tell
end repeat
end adding folder items to
Edit: Thanks, kel, for mentioning the renaming problem. I tried to solve it
hi again,
I just wanted to come back to say thank you for all the help. I have it up & running now with no issues. i too modified the date thing as well. It wasn’t likely to be a big issue because the file going into the folder would only appear once a day. so each file would have a unique name (dated) anyway. but i went 1 step further and added the time to the end of the date as well. furthermore i added to the script so that after the initial renaming, the PDF gets opened in adobe reader. using ‘extra suites’ i am able to print it too. then reader quits and the just-printed file gets moved into a folder inside of the original folder too.
so my whole flow is: use apple mail rule to trigger a script so that any attachments from a specified sender will be downloaded into a precise folder. (specifically, the folder with the action attached.) then the file is renamed, opened & printed. reader quits and the newly printed file is “archived” into another folder, inside the original one. i’m pretty stoked on the whole process.