Folder action

Hello people, i made an folder action to be used in my Download folder which is added as a stack folder,

this action send me a growl notify every time any new files are added when i download something, is there
any way to check when a Safari download finish ? i dont want my grolnotify until the file is done downloading…

search google and this forum, but no luck in finding any info on that subject…


Here’s what you can do. Make your folder action an action that will do something when a file is added to the folder. Make the action a script that runs another script like so…

set path_to_script to "whatever"
run script file path_to_script

Then the second script (i.e. path_to_script) this…

-- this script will watch the downloads folder and alert you when the your downloads are finished
-- to use it: after a download has been started run this script.
-- how it works: when something is being downloaded the size of the folder will be changing, so this script watches for changes in the folder size and when the folder stops changing its size then the download is finished

set folder_to_watch to path to downloads folder
set time_delay to 5 -- the time between checks of the folder size

set success to my watchChangingFolderSize(folder_to_watch, time_delay)
if success then
	display dialog "Success:" & return & " The items have been download." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon note
	display dialog "Error:" & return & "The script stopped for some reason." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon stop
end if

on watchChangingFolderSize(theItem, time_delay) -- loop until the size of (theItem) stops changing over time
	set theItem to theItem as text
	set sizeThen to size of (info for file theItem) --get initial size
	repeat --if they don't equal then loop until they do
			delay time_delay
			set sizeNow to size of (info for file theItem) -- get new size
			if sizeNow - sizeThen = 0 then exit repeat
			set sizeThen to sizeNow
		on error
			return false
			exit repeat
		end try
	end repeat
	return true
end watchChangingFolderSize

Thx alot regulus6633, the script is working like it is, but not like i wanted it to, im missing the names of the files being downloaded,

This is what i got so far, but for some reason i dont get any growl notify, if i use the dialog popup provived in your post it pops up for
like 0.2 sec and then it is gone…

on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
		set folder_to_watch to path to downloads folder
		set time_delay to 2 -- the time between checks of the folder size
		set success to my watchChangingFolderSize(folder_to_watch, time_delay)
		set notification to ""
		set fileList to ("") as Unicode text
		set notifyTitle to ("") as Unicode text
		tell application "Finder"
			set the folder_name to the name of this_folder
		end tell
		set the item_count to the number of items in the added_items
		repeat with thisFile in added_items
			tell application "Finder"
				set the file_name to the name of thisFile
			end tell
			if the fileList is "" then
				set the fileList to the fileList & file_name
				set the fileList to the fileList & ", " & file_name
			end if
		end repeat
		if the item_count is 1 then
			set notifyTitle to "Ny fil i " & the folder_name & " mappe"
			set notification to fileList & " blev tilføjet " & the folder_name & " mappe."
			set notifyTitle to "Nye filer i " & the folder_name & " mappe"
			set notification to fileList & " blev tilføjet " & the folder_name & " mappe."
		end if
		if success then
			tell application "System Events"
				if (application processes whose name is "GrowlHelperApp") is not {} then
					tell application "GrowlHelperApp"
						register as application "Folder Actions" all notifications {"Added File"} default notifications {"Added File"} icon of application "Finder"
						notify with name "Added File" title notifyTitle description notification application name "Folder Actions" icon of file this_folder
					end tell
				end if
			end tell
		end if
	end try
end adding folder items to

on watchChangingFolderSize(theItem, time_delay) -- loop until the size of (theItem) stops changing over time
	set theItem to theItem as text
	set sizeThen to size of (info for file theItem) --get initial size
	repeat --if they don't equal then loop until they do
			delay time_delay
			set sizeNow to size of (info for file theItem) -- get new size
			if sizeNow - sizeThen = 0 then exit repeat
			set sizeThen to sizeNow
		on error
			return false
			exit repeat
		end try
	end repeat
	return true
end watchChangingFolderSize

I don’t know why it doesn’t work. If I start a download and then manually run my original script it works fine. But if I attach the script as a folder action and let it run using folder actions it doesn’t work. I’m stumped. I tried troubleshooting and found that the script stops working inside of the watchChangingFolderSize handler, but I don’t know why. It seems to get lost somewhere inside the repeat loop.

Maybe someone else has an idea for you.

i really hope so, this is SO close to working like i want it to :frowning:

and yes, the error comes inside the check…

Can someone please gimme a hint on what might be wrong with this script. ? :frowning:

try this handler, it uses a different way to check the size

on watchChangingFolderSize(myFile, time_delay)
	set F to quoted form of POSIX path of myFile
	set sizeThen to first word of (do shell script "du -d 0 " & F) as integer
			delay time_delay -- seconds
			set sizeNow to first word of (do shell script "du -d 0 " & F) as integer
			if sizeNow - sizeThen = 0 then return true
			set sizeThen to sizeNow
		on error e
			if e contains "No such file" and (sizeNow - sizeThen = 0) then return true
			return false
		end try
	end repeat
end watchChangingFolderSize

Hm, still no luck…

But thx stefan…

Maybe it’s better, to check each file instead of the folder,
try this, but I haven’t tested it

on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
	set time_delay to 2 -- the time between checks of the file size
	set fileList to {}
	set the folder_name to the name of (info for this_folder)
	repeat with thisFile in added_items
		if watchChangingFileSize(thisFile, time_delay) then
			set end of fileList to name of (info for thisFile)
		end if
	end repeat
	if fileList is not {} then
		set {TID, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, ", "}
		set fileList to fileList as text
		set text item delimiters to TID
		if (count fileList) is 1 then
			set notifyTitle to "Ny fil i " & the folder_name & " mappe"
			set notification to fileList & " blev tilføjet " & the folder_name & " mappe."
			set notifyTitle to "Nye filer i " & the folder_name & " mappe"
			set notification to fileList & " blev tilføjet " & the folder_name & " mappe."
		end if
		tell application "System Events"
			if (application processes whose name is "GrowlHelperApp") is not {} then
				tell application "GrowlHelperApp"
					register as application "Folder Actions" all notifications {"Added File"} default notifications {"Added File"} icon of application "Finder"
					notify with name "Added File" title notifyTitle description notification application name "Folder Actions" icon of file this_folder
				end tell
			end if
		end tell
	end if
end adding folder items to

on watchChangingFileSize(myFile, time_delay)
	set F to quoted form of POSIX path of myFile
	set sizeThen to first word of (do shell script "du -d 0 " & F) as integer
			delay time_delay -- seconds
			set sizeNow to first word of (do shell script "du -d 0 " & F) as integer
			if sizeNow - sizeThen = 0 then return true
			set sizeThen to sizeNow
		on error e
			if e contains "No such file" and (sizeNow - sizeThen = 0) then return true
			return false
		end try
	end repeat
end watchChangingFileSize

Thx Stefan…

but im not having any luck on this :frowning:
must be doing something wrong, all other folder actions i add works…

I’ve just spent a few hours trying to google a possible solution to, by the sound of it, the same problem you are having. I was attempting to write a script that transferred files from a drop box to a folder on a remote server. The script worked when it was run manually, but when attached as a folder action, it didn’t do anything. Seems that the folder window must be open for the folder action to work.

Why? I don’t know, but it’s frustrating as hell, not to mention impossible to do with a drop box, as far as I know.
Hope that helps.

yes frustrating as hell, if this is true, then i dont see any solution for this problem :frowning: which is bad, sines i would like to hide the transfer window in Safari and only show the Growl notify on completed download… hmm

Different approach:

While downloading with Safari, every file gets the extension “download”.
This scripts waits until there is no download extension any more.

on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
	set fileList to {}
	repeat with i in added_items
		set end of fileList to name of (info for i)
	end repeat
	repeat until added_items is {}
		set L to {}
		repeat with oneFile in added_items
			if name extension of (info for oneFile) is "download" then set end of L to contents of oneFile
		end repeat
		copy L to added_items
		delay 2
	end repeat
	set {TID, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, ", "}
	set fileList to fileList as text
	set text item delimiters to TID
	if (count fileList) is 1 then
		set notifyTitle to "Ny fil i " & the folder_name & " mappe"
		set notification to fileList & " blev tilføjet " & the folder_name & " mappe."
		set notifyTitle to "Nye filer i " & the folder_name & " mappe"
		set notification to fileList & " blev tilføjet " & the folder_name & " mappe."
	end if
	tell application "System Events"
		if (application processes whose name is "GrowlHelperApp") is not {} then
			tell application "GrowlHelperApp"
				register as application "Folder Actions" all notifications {"Added File"} default notifications {"Added File"} icon of application "Finder"
				notify with name "Added File" title notifyTitle description notification application name "Folder Actions" icon of file this_folder
			end tell
		end if
	end tell
end adding folder items to

Right behind you, Stefan. :smiley:

on adding folder items to theFolder after receiving thefile
	set fileDownloading to true -- assume a download is in progress
	set thefile to item 1 of thefile -- thefile is a list. Multiple downloads will respond all at the end
	tell application "Finder" -- Some may argue about using System Events instead.
		set fileName to (name of thefile)
		repeat while fileDownloading is true
			set fileDownloading to (name extension of thefile is "download") -- Safari downloads have '.download' appended to the end of the name while the download is in progress. So this is looking for the received file  (  When the download is done the extension is removed so the received file will appear to NOT exist.
			if result is false then set fileDownloading to (exists file (fileName & ".part")) of theFolder
			-- Firefox downloads are a combination.  They put the downloaded file AND .part file (myDownload.dmg.part) in the download folder and trash the .part file when done.
		end repeat
	end tell
	say "file downloaded" -- Or call your Growl Handler
end adding folder items to

This is a rough framework but it works with Firefox and Safari downloads (unless Firefox is configured to open certain files, like .ZIPs). Multiple files will not report as they’re done but when they’re ALL finished but as I said, this is more Proof of Concept than live code.
You just need to point the end to your Growl handler.

Have fun,
Jim Neumann

an important thing to consider:
When the name extension changes from “download” to the original name extension,
the folder action will be triggered once again!

This might be the problem, why the other scripts don’t work

Are you seeing this behavior on your system? I just downloaded files from Firefox and Safari 3.0 (522.11) and it only responded (.said “File downloaded”. ) once per download. I am on Tiger right now. Are you on Leopard?


I noticed this behavior on Leopard (I added some write-to-log lines to see, what’s going on)

But this is the normal behavior. Renaming files in hot folders causes the folder action to run again

Well, thx StefanK & BLUEFROG

these scripts are working as is, but as you said Stefan, the ext renaming well start the folder action once more,
so my next attempt will be launchd and then activate when new downloads are done.

sines the folder action start once more this is getting more tricky that first hoped for… darn