folder actions and external hard drives

Hi, I’ve got a folder action set to run on a folder that’s on an external hard drive. Whenever I log off and log back in, the folder action stops working until I remove that folder from Folder Action Setup, and re-add it and the folder action. The other folder actions on my internal hard drive still work fine. I think it has to do with this:

Any ideas on how I can fix this?

I dont think it is related.

The plist should still find the path to the folder.

Try this. After you login and the external is mounted. Run this script.

tell application "system events"
delay 5
end tell

Yes, you’re right. So the external hard drive doesn’t mount quick enough. What’s the easiest way for a script like that one to run automatically when I log in?

Save it as an application and put it in your Startup Items in the Accounts pref pane.

Yes, that worked. Thank you both. Too easy.