Foldername not allowed to be longer than 31 characters in AS

list folder “Mac OS 10.2.6:Users:johndenheyer:Desktop:Zebra Test galleries:Test John iMac:mapxxx:The name of this folder is longer than 31 characters:”
→ Invalid name for file. Mac OS 10.2.6:Users:johndenheyer:Desktop:Zebra Test galleries:Test John iMac:mapxxx:The name of this folder is longer than 31 characters:

The error above is caused by the folderName which is longer than 31 characters.
In Mac OS X a foldername may be longer than 31 characters
but when I write ‘list folder’ in Applescript then the foldername is not allowed to be longer than 31 characters.

Is there a workaround for this or is this an kown shortcoming of Applescript OS X?

Thanks in advance,

John dh

It’s a shortcoming of using a string parameter when ‘list folder’ properly takes an alias or file reference: :slight_smile:

list folder alias "Mac OS 10.2.6:Users:johndenheyer:Desktop:Zebra Test galleries:Test John iMac:mapxxx:The name of this folder is longer than 31 characters:"

-- Or:
list folder file "Mac OS 10.2.6:Users:johndenheyer:Desktop:Zebra Test galleries:Test John iMac:mapxxx:The name of this folder is longer than 31 characters:"