Foler on the desktop


I try to set a path to a folder on the desktop. But it should be universal, that everyone can use it; so not via user/…/…
Can somebody help me with that ridiculous problem?



try this code,

set folder_path to (the path to desktop from user domain) & “desktop_foldername:”

set the dest_path to (the path to the desktop from user domain) & "Final Product"


export movie 1 to (dest_path & name of movie 1 & "_mobile.3gp" as Unicode text)

thanks but this will not work, cause “Final Product” would then be the another filename…

I believe you want

set the dest_path to (the path to the desktop from user domain) & “Final Product:”

That’s with a colon after product.

That way “Final Product” is a folder, not a file.

Didn’t see the colon – now it works, big thanks to you afgcan and Matt-Boy.