Fonts in a page of QuarkXpress

How Should I know the name of the fonts in use in any page of QuarkXpress?. I don´t need the all fonts in the document, only in a specific page.


Hi avil

try this:

tell application "QuarkXPress"
	tell document 1
		--get properties
		set f to font list
		repeat with i in f
			display dialog (name of i)
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell

would need slightly altering to pick individual pages but this works on page 1 of document 1.

Hi, Pidge1.

The code list the all fonts in the document, but I need the list of font of only one page. For Example if the document contains 10 pages, I need the name of fonts of the page 4.


Hi Avil

Try this:

set g to {}
tell application "QuarkXPress"
	tell document 1
		tell page 1
			repeat with i from 1 to count text boxes
				tell story 1 of text box i
					set n to font
					set n to n & space & ":" & space as string
					copy n to end of g
				end tell
			end repeat
			display dialog g as string
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

This is set to just pick up page 1 but you can change that.
it might be best if you add code to this script were it would display a dialog asking you for a page number say for example you type in 3
then it would show you all the fonts on that page.
the only downside to this script is that it only goes by the text boxes if you have multiple fonts inside a text box then it might not see them all.
to remedy that you would need a repeat loop thru all characters which would take an age depending on how much text is in your document.

see how you get on with this.

Hi pidge1;

The code is valid, and it`s exactly what needed.
