freeze an app

Is any way to run a script, which then freeze for a time (10 sec), during which user could see the result of script (Photoshop document) and then to proceed with final part of this script?

You mean delay?

delay 10

There are a lot of ways. You can delay 10, then proceed, you can put up a dialog with “giving up after 10”, you can do shell script “sleep 10”, etc.

During pause could user to do some things (press the Photoshop palettes) in document generated by script?

Yes. Just don’t put the display dialog command inside of the ‘tell application “Photoshop”’ block of code. Whatever application you tell to display the dialog will become unresponsive until you dismiss the dialog. So use something like the following and use what works best…

tell me to display dialog → me is the applescript
or system events, finder etc… just not photoshop.

Applescript is fine thing!