FYI Acrobat added printing.


I recently had a perplexing issue arise with Acrobat 9 pro. Adding a barcode as Header & Footer seemed to sometimes overlap an image.

Turned out that if images are rotated, all the various boxes surrounding the image get rotated as well.

As this is not mentioned in the Acrobat Dictionary, and info is not available on the web regarding scripting Acrobat, i thought this would be a suitable forum for posting the answer.

This uses a free non-commercial-use bar-code font, “IDAutomationHC39M”.



global pdfHeader
global tempattachmentname
global PreserveFileName

set pdfHeader to true
set tempattachmentname to "(2011121212101010Z)"
set PreserveFileName to "this is a test"

tell application "Adobe Acrobat Pro"
		close all docs saving no
	end try
	open ((path to desktop) & "Test 180.pdf") as text
	tell document 1 to tell page 1
		say rotation as text
		set B to media box
		set c to bounds
		set d to crop box
		set e to art box
		set f to trim box
		set g to bleed box
		my ADDHeaderFooter("", "")
		tell application "System Events" to tell process "Acrobat"
				if (enabled of menu item "Crop Pages..." of menu 1 of menu bar item "Document" of menu bar 1) then
					keystroke "t" using {command down, shift down}
					set x to 0
					repeat until window "Crop Pages" exists
						set x to x + 1
						if x = 50 then exit repeat
						delay 0.1
					end repeat
					click checkbox "Remove White Margins" of group 1 of group 1 of window "Crop Pages"
					key code 36
				end if
			end try
		end tell
		set bb to media box
		set cc to bounds
		set dd to crop box
		set ee to art box
		set ff to trim box
		set gg to bleed box
		set tempBox to bounds as list
		if rotation as number = 0 then
			set tempwidth to (item 3 of tempBox) - (item 1 of tempBox)
			if tempwidth < 250 then set item 3 of tempBox to (item 3 of tempBox) + (250 - tempwidth)
			if pdfHeader then
				set item 4 of tempBox to (item 4 of tempBox) - 50 -- bottom
				set item 4 of tempBox to (item 4 of tempBox) - 20
			end if
			set item 1 of tempBox to (item 1 of tempBox) - 20 -- left
			set item 2 of tempBox to (item 2 of tempBox) + 50 -- top		
			set item 3 of tempBox to (item 3 of tempBox) + 20 -- right
		end if
		if rotation as number = 90 then
			set tempwidth to (item 2 of tempBox) - (item 4 of tempBox)
			if tempwidth < 250 then set item 2 of tempBox to (item 2 of tempBox) + (250 - tempwidth)
			if pdfHeader then
				set item 3 of tempBox to (item 3 of tempBox) + 50 -- bottom
				set item 3 of tempBox to (item 3 of tempBox) + 20
			end if
			set item 4 of tempBox to (item 4 of tempBox) - 20 -- left
			set item 1 of tempBox to (item 1 of tempBox) - 50 -- top		
			set item 2 of tempBox to (item 2 of tempBox) + 20 -- right
		end if
		if rotation as number = 180 then
			set tempwidth to (item 3 of tempBox) - (item 1 of tempBox)
			if tempwidth < 250 then set item 1 of tempBox to (item 1 of tempBox) - (250 - tempwidth)
			if pdfHeader then
				set item 2 of tempBox to (item 2 of tempBox) + 50 -- bottom
				set item 2 of tempBox to (item 2 of tempBox) + 20
			end if
			set item 3 of tempBox to (item 3 of tempBox) + 20 -- left
			set item 4 of tempBox to (item 4 of tempBox) - 50 -- top		
			set item 1 of tempBox to (item 1 of tempBox) - 20 -- right
		end if
		if rotation as number = 270 then
			set tempwidth to (item 2 of tempBox) - (item 4 of tempBox)
			if tempwidth < 250 then set item 4 of tempBox to (item 4 of tempBox) - (250 - tempwidth)
			if pdfHeader then
				set item 1 of tempBox to (item 1 of tempBox) - 50 -- bottom
				set item 1 of tempBox to (item 1 of tempBox) - 20
			end if
			set item 2 of tempBox to (item 2 of tempBox) + 20 -- left
			set item 3 of tempBox to (item 3 of tempBox) + 50 -- top		
			set item 4 of tempBox to (item 4 of tempBox) - 20 -- right
		end if
		set crop box to tempBox --
		set media box to tempBox --
		set art box to tempBox --
		set trim box to tempBox --
		set bleed box to tempBox --
		set bounds to tempBox --
		set hh to crop box
		my ADDHeaderFooter(tempattachmentname, PreserveFileName)
	end tell
end tell

on ADDHeaderFooter(tempattachmentname2, PreserveFileName2)
	tell application "System Events" to tell process "Acrobat"
		click menu item "Add..." of menu 1 of menu item "Header & Footer" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Document" of menu bar 1
		delay 1
		repeat while exists button "Replace Existing" of window 1
			click button "Replace Existing" of window 1
			delay 0.1
		end repeat
		--delay 1
		set x to 0
		repeat until exists window "Add Header and Footer"
				click button "Replace Existing" of window 1
			end try
			set x to x + 1
			if x = 300 then exit repeat
			delay 0.1
		end repeat
		--if RunForOz then delay 4
		set value of text field 2 of group 2 of window "Add Header and Footer" to "0.1"
		set value of text field 3 of group 2 of window "Add Header and Footer" to "0.6"
		set value of combo box 1 of group 1 of window "Add Header and Footer" to "10"
		delay 0.2
		--set temp to value of text field 3 of group 2 of window "Add Header and Footer"
		--if temp < 1.0 then set value of text field 3 of group 2 of window "Add Header and Footer" to "1.0"
		if pdfHeader then
			if PreserveFileName2 = "" then
				set value of text area 1 of scroll area 5 of window "Add Header and Footer" to ""
				set value of text area 1 of scroll area 5 of window "Add Header and Footer" to "(" & PreserveFileName2 & ")"
			end if
		end if
		set value of text area 1 of scroll area 2 of window "Add Header and Footer" to tempattachmentname2
		delay 0.1
		click pop up button 1 of group 1 of window "Add Header and Footer"
		click menu item "IDAutomationHC39M" of menu 1 of pop up button 1 of group 1 of window "Add Header and Footer"
		set x to 0
		repeat until exists button "OK" of window "Add Header and Footer"
			delay 0.1
			set x to x + 1
			if x = 50 then exit repeat
		end repeat
		set x to 0
		repeat while exists window "Add Header and Footer"
			delay 0.1
			keystroke return
			set x to x + 1
			if x = 50 then exit repeat
		end repeat
	end tell
end ADDHeaderFooter

B & return & c & return & d & return & e & return & f & return & g & return & return & bb & return & cc & return & dd & return & ee & return & ff & return & gg & return & return & hh & return & return & tempBox