Hi, I’ve seen some articles talking about detecting gestures: http://www.cocoadev.com/index.pl?MultiTouchTrackpad and http://tumbljack.com/post/1494097674/void-swipewithevent-nsevent-event
How can I use this code in an ASOC application?
Hi, I’ve seen some articles talking about detecting gestures: http://www.cocoadev.com/index.pl?MultiTouchTrackpad and http://tumbljack.com/post/1494097674/void-swipewithevent-nsevent-event
How can I use this code in an ASOC application?
Read the documentation first: http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/EventOverview/HandlingTouchEvents/HandlingTouchEvents.html%23//apple_ref/doc/uid/10000060i-CH13-SW10
Then it’s just a matter of writing suitable handlers, like any other event-handling.
I’m trying to detect a swipe. I know I (think I) need
but I’m not sure about using it, or rather, how to use it.
Just try it – add an “on swipeWithEvent_(anEvent)” handler, and log what gets passed to it.
Ok! That works! =)
How do I tell whether it’s up, down, left or right?
EDIT: That’d be with deltaX and deltaY right? But how do I get them from the event?
anEvent's deltaX
Try it, and then tell us. Really, just trying this stuff is often quicker than typing out the question…
Ok, well this seems to work:
log deltaX of anEvent
log deltaY of anEvent
I now also know that…
Left swipe: X = 1 and Y = 0
Right swipe: X = -1 and Y = 0
Up: X = 0 and Y = 1
Down: X = 0 and Y = -1
but using an “if” statement doesn’t seem to work, not with “1.0” as an integer or as a string.
I needed to convert the X to a string…
set x to (anEvent's deltaX) as string
set y to (anEvent's deltaY) as string
if x is "1" and y is "0" then
else if x is "-1" or y is "0" then
else if x is "0" or y is "1" then
log "UP SWIPE!"
else if x is "0" or y is "-1" then
end if
FYI, a real should work, too.