Get Creator code from a dropped file, FAST?

Hi, I need to get the creater code from a file dropped on my applescript studio application.
Right now I do it this way;

on drop theObject drag info dragInfo
    set bolval to false
    set dataTypes to types of pasteboard of dragInfo
    if "file names" is in dataTypes then
	set theFiles to {}
	set preferred type of pasteboard of dragInfo to "file names"
	-- Get the list of files from the pasteboard
	set theFiles to contents of pasteboard of dragInfo
	set appalias to (((first item of theFiles) as POSIX file) as alias)

	tell application "Finder" to set appcode to creator type of appalias

	if appcode is "1234" then
		display dialog "seems ok"
		set bolval to true
		display dialog "This doesn't appear to be a the right application"
        end if
    end if 
    -- Set the preferred type back to the default
    set preferred type of pasteboard of dragInfo to ""
    return bolval
end drop

This works, but it does the job awefully slow! the slow part seems to be the tell application “Finder” to set appcode to creator type of appalias statement.
Anyone have a better and faster solution. applescript or objective C, it doesn’t matter.

set Chosen to (choose file)
tell application "Finder"
	set FT to file type of file Chosen
	set CT to creator type of file Chosen
	return {FT, CT}
end tell

While this works if the file does have a creator type and file type, it won’t work for lots of files in OS X that don’t. In those cases, it returns {missing value, missing value}, where as for a BBEdit document for example, it returns {“TEXT”, “R*ch”}

I clocked my own and the solution suggested above.
Both take a litte more then 25 seconds to execute.
I guess I need to go objective C to solve this faster.
Any more suggestions?


For some reason, getting creator type with the Finder in AppleScript Studio takes a very long time. Try using ‘info for’.

set d to item 1 of theFiles
set a to (d as POSIX file) as alias
set ct to file creator of (info for a)



I think it’s not good to do things with the Finder in the drop handler, because there is a connection with the Finder on dropped items. A better strategy would be to set a flag in the drop handler. Something like this:

property items_dropped : false
property theFiles : {}

on drop theObject drag info dragInfo
set dataTypes to types of pasteboard of dragInfo
if “file names” is in dataTypes then
set theFiles to {}
set preferred type of pasteboard of dragInfo to “file names”
set theFiles to contents of pasteboard of dragInfo
end if
set items_dropped to theFiles is not {}
return true
end drop

If theFiles is not {}, then items_dropped will be true. Then in an idle handler, check for the items_dropped flag.

on idle theObject
if items_dropped then
set first_item to item 1 of theFiles
set item_reference to (first_item as POSIX file) as alias
tell application “Finder”
set ct to creator type of item_reference
end tell
set items_dropped to false
log ct
end if
return 1
end idle

Notice that here, there is no problem using the Finder since it is not in the drop handler which already return true.

A lot of people have been posting problems with parts of their programs taking too long in the handlers. It’s better to not do these long programs in the handlers keeping them free for other parts of the ui.
