Get Current Printer with a shell scipt?


I use a shell script to change my current printer. Is there a shell script that determines the cue name of the current printer? I use this script:

	do shell script "lpoptions -d PDF_Writer"
	tell application "Finale 2006d"
		print theFile without print dialog
	end tell
	do shell script "lpoptions -d _Brother"

Why is it that you find what you’re looking for a few minutes after you’ve posted to a forum like this? :confused:

The solution is:

set Def_Printer to word 4 of (do shell script "lpstat -d")

This leads to a quick and easy way to switch printers:

set Def_Printer to word 4 of (do shell script "lpstat -d")
do shell script "lpoptions -d PDF_Writer"

-- Print things (without dialog)

do shell script "lpoptions -d " & Def_Printer