Get every 3 item in a list

Hello People…

Im trying to pull out some items in a list, but I think the next thing getting pulled is my hair :slight_smile:
I just cant figure out how to get every 3 item of this list

The list:

{"613.71", "115", "7", "349.99", "94", "14", "550.56", "87", "15", "1.69", "76", "31", "103.3", "75", "2", "676.25", "70", "7"}

And what I need is this…

{"7", "14", "15", "31", "2", "7"}

any help would be great…

set a to {"613.71", "115", "7", "349.99", "94", "14", "550.56", "87", "15", "1.69", "76", "31", "103.3", "75", "2", "676.25", "70", "7"}
set b to {}
repeat with i from 3 to (count a) by 3
	set end of b to item i of a
end repeat

Wow, that was fast Stefan, thanks alot for this…