get & set comments in OS 9; problem with long OS X file

Hi folks, I am trying to adapt some AppleScripts for setting the Finder comments of a whole bunch of files at once. I am running into a problem when I try to deal with a file with a very long OS X name.
I should say that my computer has both OS 9.2.2 and OS X 10.2.8 installed. The problem comes when I try to run the script when I am booted up under OS 9 (OS X is not active).

here’s the subroutine

on setComments(fileList, source_folder)
	global newComment -- already set by caller
	global doOverWrite  -- already set by caller
	repeat with i from 1 to number of items in the fileList
		set thisItem to item i of the fileList
		set thisItem to (source_folder & thisItem) as alias
		tell application "Finder" to set fileInfo to info for thisItem
		set is_folder to folder of the fileInfo is true
		tell application "Finder" to set fileComment to comment of thisItem
		if (doOverWrite is true) or (fileComment is "") then
			tell application "Finder" to set the comment of thisItem to the newComment
		end if
		if is_folder then
			tell application "Finder" to set newList to list folder thisItem
			set thisItem to thisItem as string
			my setComments(newList, thisItem)
		end if
	end repeat
end setComments

Well folks, this works fine as long as the file name is not really long…here’s an example of what happens when it “breaks”…

the actual file name & path in OS X is:
the file name as shown in the OS 9 finder is:

the result of listing the folder that contains the long-named file is:
{ …, …, …, “NSCrayonPickerBackgroundImage.tiff”, …, …}
so you see it uses the long OS X name here.

it fails at the statement
set thisItem to (source_folder & thisItem) as alias
with the error message
Bad name for file.

So…what can I do?

Thanks in advance!

Is it necessary to use the names at all? If you’re working with every item in the original source folder, you can simplify the handler to this:

on setComments(source_folder)
	global newComment -- already set by caller
	global doOverWrite -- already set by caller
	tell application "Finder"
		if doOverWrite then
			set comment of every item of source_folder to newComment
			set comment of every item of source_folder whose comment is "" to newComment
		end if
		set subfolders to source_folder's folders
		repeat with thisSubfolder in subfolders
			my setComments(thisSubfolder)
		end repeat
	end tell
end setComments