Get text from Quark into list

I need to read text from a Quark document:


I need to find the text in the Quark document that looks like the above and put it into an applescript list for further processing


Any suggestions?

tell application "QuarkXPress 4.1"

	if not (document 1 exists) then
		make new document at beginning
	end if

	-- read all text in quark document
	set quarktext to " "
	repeat with i from 1 to (count of stories in document 1)
		tell document 1
			set quarkword to (text of story i)
			set quarktext to quarktext & quarkword
		end tell
	end repeat
	-- end read all text in quark document
end tell

set x to quarktext
set the_data to {}

repeat with this_row in (paragraphs of x)
	set this_row to (contents of this_row)
	if this_row contains "�" then set end of the_data to text ((offset of "�" in this_row) + 1) thru ((offset of "�" in this_row) - 1) of this_row
end repeat

return the_data