I’m new to the forum and to applescript too. So, sorry for my irritating and/or stupid questions
I’m trying to make a droplet applescript application with Xcode, but i need to get the full path (well, I think unix path) of the dropped application.
In my loop i get the path with this:
set my_path to POSIX path of i
For example, if I drop Camino on my app, the path returned is /Applications/Camino.app/ but i need to get /Applications/Camino.app/Contents/MacOS/Camino
welcome to this board.
Your question is not stupid at all.
The paths in AppleScript point always at the application package.
To access the binary you have to hard-code the path like this (I want to keep one line ;))
set my_path to POSIX path of i & "contents/MacOS/" & text 1 thru ((offset of ".app" in (name of (info for i))) - 1) of (name of (info for i))
Thanks StefanK,
your suggestion is working fine, but now, I’m encountering another problem… damn!
I need the full application path because I’m using a script to launch the application. If I run from konsole (hemmm, terminal I suppose here ) all is working fine, but from the applescript droplet, even putting at the end of command the & for the background, the application will pop up, but I can’t see the application’s icon on the dock and I can’t focus on the window for writing something… (eg, I can run Camino, I can click on links but I can’t write any URL or search strings).
The only way to quit the application is a kill -9 from terminal…
Where I’m wrong?
Thank you.
PS: nice place Sankt Gallen, I have been this summer before my trip in Austria, Germany and Czech Republic