Get values from two popup buttons

I’ve a data list like this:

set allVideoList to {iMovie:{eng:{"video iMovie 1 en", "video iMovie 2 en"}, ita:{"video iMovie 1 it", "video iMovie 2 it"}}, iWeb:{enu:{"video Web 1 en", "video Web 2 en"}, ita:{"video Web 1 it", "video Web 2 it"}}}

I wish to dinamically crate a third popup menu by selecting values from one popup button with languages (langMenu) and one popup button with application name (appsMenu). This means that when a language or a app is selected, titles in the third popup button are dinamically update.
I try this:

on action theObject
    if the name of theObject is equal to "appsMenu" then
        set currentApp to title of popup button "appsMenu" of window "main"
    end if
    if currentApp is equal to "iMovie '09" then
        set appsList to "iMovie"
    else if currentApp is equal to "iWeb '09" then
        set appsList to "iWeb"
    end if

    if the name of theObject is equal to "langMenu" then
        set currentPopupValue to title of popup button "langMenu" of window "main"
    end if
    if currentPopupValue is equal to "English" then
        set langList to "eng"
    else if currentPopupValue is equal to "Italian" then
        set langList to "ita"
    end if
    set thevideoList to (get langList of appsList of allVideoList)

    set videoMenuButton to popup button "videoMenu" of window "main"
    my BuildPopupMenus(videoMenuButton)
end action

It work if I use only one value as variable, but I can’t get langList and appsList values together.
Is it possible? or another way is better?
Thanks in advance.

Thanks to a friend of me, solved using a nested list like this:

set allVideoList to {{{"video iMovie 1 en", "video iMovie 2 en"}, {"video iMovie 1 it", "video iMovie 2 it"}}, {{"video iWeb 1 en", "video iWeb 2 en"}, {"video iWeb 1 it", "video iWeb 2 it"}}}

Then with this handlers:

on action theObject
	if the name of theObject is in {"langMenu", "appMenu"} then
		set the_selectionLang to contents of popup button "langMenu" of window "main"
		set the_selectionApp to contents of popup button "appMenu" of window "main"		
		set thevideoList to get item (the_selectionLang + 1) of item (the_selectionApp + 1) of allVideoList
		set videoMenuButton to popup button "videoMenu" of window "main"
		my BuildPopupMenus(videoMenuButton)
	end if
end action

This mean:

set allVideoList to {{{"video iMovie 1 en", "video iMovie 2 en"}, {"video iMovie 1 it", "video iMovie 2 it"}}, {{"video iWeb 1 en", "video iWeb 2 en"}, {"video iWeb 1 it", "video iWeb 2 it"}}}

set the_selectionLang to 1 --contents of popup button "langMenu" of window "main" -- I selected the second element: italian
set the_selectionApp to 0 --contents of popup button "appMenu" of window "main" -- I selected first element: iMovie

get item (the_selectionLang + 1) of item (the_selectionApp + 1) of allVideoList -- I get the list of iMovie videos in italian -- + 1 is that "contents" get a zero-based index.

BuildPopupMenus(thePopup) is from here
and other credits due to by jonn8
