Get window count from Fireworks

I am reposting this due to the fact that I am a bonehead and put Firefox in the title instead of Fireworks

I am trying to get a count of windows from Firworks. I can get the count if I don’t specity any properties but as soon as I specify properties, I get an error: Adobe Fireworks CS4 got an error: Can’t get every window whose modal = true.

Here is my script:

 set allWindows to the count (the windows of application "Adobe Fireworks CS4" where modal is true)

I checked the dictionary and it has the windows class with these properties. I am guessing I have a syntax problem?

Thanks for any help.


Try this, no idea wether it works though.

 set allWindows to (count (get every window of application "Adobe Fireworks CS4" where its modal is true)))

Thanks for the response. I ran that and it is giving me this error

Any other suggestions? It is very weird because if I run this on any other app it works. But Fireworks has the window class in its dictionary with these properties. It is like you have to access it some special way. Very frustrating!!!


If you don’t have Script Debugger I suggest you download a free trial version from Late Night Software. If I’m not wrong it will work for 3 weeks.

Maybe you can figure out in what happens by running the script through that.
Maybe the dictionary is incorrect, have you tried to google or search for some information at Adobe?