Getting AppleS cript to wait for FileMaker to Finish Script

I’m having trouble with getting an applescript to wait for File Maker Developer 6.0 to finish executing a script before moving to the next command. Is there any other way other than using the delay command?!? :?:

tell application "FileMaker Developer"
		open file "Invoice Creator" of invfolder
		go to database "Invoice Creator"
		go to layout "INVOICE"
		delete records
		delay 2
		do script "Open Invoices To Fax"
		delay 10
		do script "Run Scripts & Quit"
		delay 120
	end tell

Applescript is a very versatile tool, but there are some things that are just better to do within the application. Sounds like all of this should be done with standard Filemaker scripting. You could call the script with applescript to get it started.