Getting current password for Filemaker

can someone please tell me if it’s possible to get the current login password for FileMaker to assign as a variable and, if so, how? I can’t see anthing in the FM dictionary

as far as I know, is it impossible to request the admin password for an fm db that easy. It says that fm passwords should be saved carefully because it isn’t easy to reset or break thru’ after forgeting passwords here. … Or I may missunderstood your question ??

LaSchmoove is right. You cannot get the password from within FileMaker, or from AppleScript, nor should you, as it could be changed. What you can easily get is the Account Name. You can also script the creation and deletion of accounts. So you can easily give everyone their own unique account (only unique account names are allowed).

To get the account name you use the function Get (AccountName). It is always available. It is also one of the auto-enter options for a text field, down at the bottom of the list.

Thank you to both of you for your replies - to be a bit more specific (and changing what I want to do slightly), what I’m trying to do is set up a login Applescript in Filemaker Pro 6 to check to see what the user group assigned to the password is and, depending on what group they are part of, it will run the appropriate script. Maybe for what I’m trying to do I might be better to do the whole thing in Scriptmaker(?)

Any suggestions?

FileMaker 6, didn’t know that. It is more of a hassle in 6, but still doable. In 6 you have to use the function: Status(CurrentGroups). It is similar to Accounts in 7, but clunkier. You would have to create a Group for each password (ie., for each person). Then you have to tie them together in the Overview screen (which is not that difficult, but somewhat non-intuitive).

Also, because the full access group is IN every group, you have to remove it with a text calculation in order to identify the person only. If the master PW’s Group is “Fenton” and the login PW’s Group is “Mable”, Status (CurrentGroups) will return:

So you’d use: Substitute ( Status(CurrentGroups), “Fenton¶”, “”)
a more generic calculation to remove the top line; if the master group is always the top?

6 requires a file per table, so you often have several files. 7 allows multiple tables per file, and PW’s can be created by script (FileMaker). So multiple passwords-groups in multiple files in 6 can be a hassle. There is a plug-in which can help, Password Administrator, at

You can open a FileMaker file using AppleScript and a password (or passwords and Accounts in 7), but you can’t get the current group or account directly using AppleScript (that I know of). You can of course create an unstored calculation field, as above, then access that via AppleScript.