Getting .emlx text when there's attachments


Here’s the script I have that is supposed to…

  1. Find files from a specified folder that do not have specific text in the Spotlight Comments.
  2. Get the text of each file, create a new Filemaker record, and put the text of each file into a Filemaker field.

The files are .emlx. I run into problems when an email file has attachments. Any ideas on how to get around the issue? What I really need from the .emlx file is the header and body. So that would be an alternative approach, but I’m not sure how to get that, based off of the emlx filepath and filename.


global theName
global fixContents
tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced"
	tell window 1
		set theFolder to field "Folder" of current record as alias
	end tell
end tell

tell application "Finder"
	try -- because alias list won't work if there is only one file.
		set theFiles to (every file of entire contents of theFolder whose comment does not contain "TheText") as alias list
	on error
		set theFiles to (every file of entire contents of theFolder whose comment does not contain "TheText") as alias as list
	end try
	if theFiles is not {} then
		repeat with theFile in theFiles
			set theName to name of theFile
			set theContents to read theFile
				set fixContents to do shell script "echo -n " & quoted form of theContents
			end try
			-- -n suppress the extra line
			-- do shell script converts Unix to Mac returns
			my FM_Create_Record()
		end repeat
	end if
end tell

on FM_Create_Record()
	tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced"
		tell window 1
			set newRec to the ID of (create new record)
			go to record ID newRec
			set cell "filename" of current record to theName
			set cell "email text" of current record to fixContents
			save record
		end tell
	end tell
end FM_Create_Record

what happens when there is an attachment ? whats the error

The problem is that the Applescript gets overwhelmed with all the binary code in the file, so the variable does not get set.