Getting music links in Safari to a Text document

Below is my code for getting music links from a web page in Safari, I used Apple’s example script (get thumbnail images) to help me.

It works, but I believe there must be a cleaner way to do it.

--couldn't get this list to work
--property extension_list : {".mp3", ".wma", ".aac"}

tell application "Safari"
		-- the number of links in the front document
		set the link_count to (do JavaScript "document.links.length" in document 1)
		if the link_count is "0" then error "No links in this document."
		-- get the url of the directory containing the current page
		set the document_URL to (do JavaScript "document.URL" in document 1)
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/"
		set the parent_URL to ((text items 1 thru -2 of the document_URL) as string) & "/"
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
		set the list_of_links to {}
		repeat with i from 0 to (the link_count - 1)
			-- get the text of the anchor link
			set this_text to (do JavaScript "document.links[" & (i as string) & "].text" in document 1)
			-- if the text of the anchor link is an image, add the link to the list
			set this_url to (do JavaScript "document.links[" & (i as string) & "].href" in document 1)
			-- would be better to use some kondo of property list here
			if (the this_url ends with ".mp3") or (the this_url ends with ".wma") or (the this_url ends with ".aac") then
				set this_host to (do JavaScript "document.links[" & (i as string) & "].host" in document 1)
				if this_host is "" then
					set this_url to the parent_URL & this_url
				end if
				set the end of the list_of_links to this_url & return
			end if
		end repeat
		if the list_of_links is {} then
			error "This page contains no valid links."
		end if
		-- make a new doc in textedit with the links
		tell application "TextEdit"
			set the_urls to list_of_links as string
			make new document at beginning with properties {text:the_urls}
		end tell
	on error the error_message number the error_number
		if the error_number is not -128 then
			display dialog the error_message buttons {"OK"} default button 1
		end if
	end try
end tell

Try this:

property extension_list : {".mp3", ".wma", ".aac"}

tell application "Safari"
		set link_count to (do JavaScript "document.links.length" in document 1)
		if link_count = "0" then error "No links in this document."
		set document_URL to (do JavaScript "document.URL" in document 1)
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/"
		set parent_URL to ((text items 1 thru -2 of document_URL) as string) & "/"
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
		set list_of_links to {}
		repeat with i from 0 to (link_count - 1)
			set this_text to (do JavaScript "document.links[" & (i as string) & "].text" in document 1)
			set this_URL to (do JavaScript "document.links[" & (i as string) & "].href" in document 1)
			if (text -4 thru -1 of this_URL) is in extension_list then
				set this_host to (do JavaScript "document.links[" & (i as string) & "].host" in document 1)
				if this_host = "" then set this_URL to parent_URL & this_URL
				set end of list_of_links to this_URL & return
			end if
		end repeat
		if list_of_links = {} then error "This page contains no valid links."
		tell application "TextEdit"
			set the_URLs to list_of_links as string
			make new document at beginning with properties {text:the_URLs}
		end tell
	on error error_message number error_number
		if error_number is not -128 then display dialog the error_message buttons {"OK"} default button 1
	end try
end tell
