Getting paragraph after selected text

I’m trying to get the paragraph after the user selected text but I keep stumbling. Any help would be appreciated. Here’s my code so far:

tell application "Xcode"
	-->find the current document name
	set my_work_space to active workspace document
	set my_projects to projects of my_work_space
	set my_project to item 1 of my_projects
	set my_windows to windows
	set my_window to item 1 of my_windows
	set window_name to name of my_window
	-->get the current document
	tell me
		set my_names to split(window_name, " ” ")
	end tell
	set target_file_name to item 2 of my_names
	set itemNumber to 0
	repeat with a_document in text documents
		set itemNumber to itemNumber + 1
		if ((name of a_document as string) is (target_file_name as string)) then
			exit repeat
		end if
	end repeat
	-->get the current document
	set sourceDocument to item itemNumber of every text document of application "Xcode"
	-->and it's path
	set sourcePath to path of sourceDocument
	-->read the source document
	set sourceTxt to my readFile(sourcePath) as text
	-->make sure something was selected
	set selectedRange to the selected character range of sourceDocument
	if first item of selectedRange > second item of selectedRange then
		display dialog "Nothing selected"
		return -999
		set endCharacter to item 2 of selectedRange

                -->and the wheels come off here... : D
	end if
end tell

to split(aString, delimiter)
	set oldastid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delimiter
	set pieces to aString's text items
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldastid
	return pieces
end split

on readFile(filePath)
	set foo to (open for access (POSIX file filePath))
	set txt to (read foo for (get eof foo))
	close access foo
	return txt
end readFile

Hi RIRedinPA,

Where are you stumbling? Ok, I see where. what happens?



I resolved it. But a different problem has come up.

When I log this line:

-->make sure something was selected
set selectedRange to the selected character range of sourceDocument

I get {291, 291} (it’s an empty line)

However, when I run this code (where I commented on the wheels coming off):

set endCharacterNum to item 2 of selectedRange
		set characterCount to 0
		repeat with x from 1 to count of every paragraph of sourceTxt
			set thisParagraph to paragraph x of sourceTxt
			set characterCount to characterCount + (count of every character of thisParagraph)
			log thisParagraph & "::" & characterCount & "::" & x
			if characterCount > endCharacterNum then
				set nextParagraph to paragraph (x + 2) of sourceTxt
				exit repeat
			end if
		end repeat

my log shows me as the same line starting with char 275

	(*//  OAI_SetTabOrder.h::23::2*)
	(*//  avi::30::3*)
	(*//  Created by Steve Suranie on 4/19/13.::72::5*)
	(*//  Copyright (c) 2013 Olympus. All rights reserved.::124::6*)
	(*#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>::159::9*)
	(*#import "OAI_TextField.h"::184::10*)
	(*@interface OAI_SetTabOrder : NSObject::221::12*)
	(*@property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray* arrAllElements;::275::14*)
	(*- (NSMutableArray*) setTabOrder; ::308::17*)

So I am getting paragraph 18, which is @end when what I am looking for is the NSMutableArray paragraph. Not sure why I am getting the discrepency or how to resolve it.

My guess is that I am not working apples to apples here - sourceTxt is the contents of sourceDocument but perhaps under the hood in XCode sourceDocument comes with header material that is pushing the character count to 291 instead of 275.

Yeah, I see some of what you’re trying to do now. This Is the first time I’ve really looked at Xcode’s dictionary and was just wondering.

What I am trying to do is automate the placement of Doxygen comments for documenting my app code. You place the comments in the .h files in this format

this method does something wonderful and takes a NSString and returns a BOOL
@param NSString
@returns BOOL

and the differences are not the same, they vary on different files.

           set characterCount to characterCount + (count of every character of thisParagraph)

Add a “+ 1” in there, to allow for the linefeed at the end.

I owe you a beer. : D

OK, so I got it working thanks to the help from here except one major flaw, it’s not writing to my file. Here’s the whole code Any ideas why this won’t work?:

tell application "Xcode"
	-->find the current document name
	set my_work_space to active workspace document
	set my_projects to projects of my_work_space
	set my_project to item 1 of my_projects
	set my_windows to windows
	set my_window to item 1 of my_windows
	set window_name to name of my_window
	-->get the current document
	tell me
		set my_names to my split(window_name, " ” ")
	end tell
	set target_file_name to item 2 of my_names
	set itemNumber to 0
	repeat with a_document in text documents
		set itemNumber to itemNumber + 1
		if ((name of a_document as string) is (target_file_name as string)) then
			exit repeat
		end if
	end repeat
	-->get the current document
	set sourceDocument to item itemNumber of every text document of application "Xcode"
	-->and it's path
	set sourcePath to path of sourceDocument
	-->read the source document
	set sourceTxt to my readFile(sourcePath) as text
	-->make sure something was selected
	set selectedRange to the selected character range of sourceDocument
	if first item of selectedRange > second item of selectedRange then
		display dialog "Nothing selected"
		return -999
		set endCharacterNum to item 2 of selectedRange
		set characterCount to 0
		repeat with x from 1 to count of every paragraph of sourceTxt
			set thisParagraph to paragraph x of sourceTxt
			set characterCount to characterCount + (count of every character of thisParagraph) + 1
			if characterCount > endCharacterNum then
				set nextParagraph to paragraph (x) of sourceTxt
				exit repeat
			end if
		end repeat
	end if
	-->start doxygen comment
	set doxyComment to return & "//*" & return & return
	-->get parameters for method
	set valuesList to my split(nextParagraph, "(")
	if (count of every item of valuesList) > 2 then
		repeat with i from 1 to count of every item of valuesList
			if i > 2 then
				set paramObject to my split(item i of valuesList, ")")
				set thisParam to item 1 of paramObject
				-->strip pointer if param is not a primitive
				if thisParam contains "*" then
					set thisParamList to my split(thisParam, "*")
					set thisParam to item 1 of thisParamList
				end if
				set doxyComment to doxyComment & "@param " & thisParam & return
			end if
		end repeat
	end if
	-->get returned item
	set returnListEnd to my split(item 2 of valuesList, ")")
	set returnItem to item 1 of returnListEnd
	if returnItem is not equal to "void" then
		set doxyComment to doxyComment & "@return " & returnItem & return
	end if
	-->close doxycomment
	set doxyComment to doxyComment & "*/"
	-->insert doxyComment in code
	set newText to ""
	-->make new page text
	repeat with i from 1 to count of every paragraph of sourceTxt
		if i is not equal to x - 1 then
			set newText to newText & contents of paragraph i of sourceTxt
			set newText to newText & doxyComment
		end if
	end repeat
	set sourcePath to sourcePath
	-->write text to file
		open for access sourcePath as POSIX file with write permission
		write newText to file sourcePath starting at eof
		close access sourcePath
	on error --you never know when errors will crop up (when it comes to reading and writing files); better to be safe than sorry
			close access the_file
		end try
	end try
end tell

on split(aString, delimiter)
	set oldastid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delimiter
	set pieces to aString's text items
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldastid
	return pieces
end split

on readFile(filePath)
	set foo to (open for access (POSIX file filePath))
	set txt to (read foo for (get eof foo))
	close access foo
	return txt
end readFile

OK, resolved the writing to file issue. I was trying to open the file when it was already open. New issue is to fix the parsing - all the returns are getting wiped out when I get the contents of the file and all comments written as so: //this is a comment are being rewritten ////this is a comment

New code dump:

tell application “Xcode”

-->find the current document name
set my_work_space to active workspace document
set my_projects to projects of my_work_space
set my_project to item 1 of my_projects
set my_windows to windows
set my_window to item 1 of my_windows
set window_name to name of my_window

-->get the current document
tell me
	set my_names to my split(window_name, " ” ")
end tell

set target_file_name to item 2 of my_names
set itemNumber to 0
repeat with a_document in text documents
	set itemNumber to itemNumber + 1
	if ((name of a_document as string) is (target_file_name as string)) then
		exit repeat
	end if
end repeat

-->get the current document
set sourceDocument to item itemNumber of every text document of application "Xcode"
-->and it's path
set sourcePath to path of sourceDocument

-->read the source document
set sourceTxt to my readFile(sourcePath) as text

-->make sure something was selected
set selectedRange to the selected character range of sourceDocument

if first item of selectedRange > second item of selectedRange then
	display dialog "Nothing selected"
	return -999
	set endCharacterNum to item 2 of selectedRange
	set characterCount to 0
	repeat with x from 1 to count of every paragraph of sourceTxt
		set thisParagraph to paragraph x of sourceTxt
		set characterCount to characterCount + (count of every character of thisParagraph) + 1
		if characterCount > endCharacterNum then
			set nextParagraph to paragraph (x) of sourceTxt
			exit repeat
		end if
	end repeat
end if

-->start doxygen comment
set doxyComment to return & "//*" & return & return

-->get parameters for method
set valuesList to my split(nextParagraph, "(")

if (count of every item of valuesList) > 2 then
	repeat with i from 1 to count of every item of valuesList
		if i > 2 then
			set paramObject to my split(item i of valuesList, ")")
			set thisParam to item 1 of paramObject
			-->strip pointer if param is not a primitive
			if thisParam contains "*" then
				set thisParamList to my split(thisParam, "*")
				set thisParam to item 1 of thisParamList
			end if
			set doxyComment to doxyComment & "@param " & thisParam & return
		end if
	end repeat
end if

-->get returned item
set returnListEnd to my split(item 2 of valuesList, ")")
set returnItem to item 1 of returnListEnd

if returnItem is not equal to "void" then
	set doxyComment to doxyComment & "@return " & returnItem & return
end if

-->close doxycomment
set doxyComment to doxyComment & "*/"

-->insert doxyComment in code
set newText to ""

-->make new page text
repeat with i from 1 to count of every paragraph of sourceTxt
	if i is not equal to x - 1 then
		set newText to newText & contents of paragraph i of sourceTxt
		set newText to newText & doxyComment
	end if
end repeat

-->write text to file
set sourcePath to sourcePath as string
set insertionPoint to 0
write newText to sourcePath starting at insertionPoint
close access sourcePath

end tell

on split(aString, delimiter)
set oldastid to AppleScript’s text item delimiters
set AppleScript’s text item delimiters to delimiter
set pieces to aString’s text items
set AppleScript’s text item delimiters to oldastid
return pieces
end split

on readFile(filePath)
set foo to (open for access (POSIX file filePath))
set txt to (read foo for (get eof foo))
close access foo
return txt
end readFile


I wonder why you use Return and not Linefeed in the first place. As LineFeed would be the default text ending in a source-code text. (Interesting script by the way.) :slight_smile:


I saw the field for selecting what kind of line-endings you want in your file, in XCode, so if return is what you want, I think your script will not neglect returns, if you have chosen return as the line-ending in the XCode options.

I was in to see if I could fix the brace expansion, I haven’t got that to work quite correctly for me when I am editing code. I can’t figure out what to do about it.