getting prompt to return an integer

Can prompt return an integer.

At the moment i have a prompt that asks for a number and when it does the script it should ncrement that numnber but for some reason it doesnt work.

Here is my code:

set imNumPrmpTxt to "What number would you like to start at?" & return & "(not incuding the 000)"
set forPrmpTxt to "What format are the images?"

set numPrompt to (display dialog imNumPrmpTxt default answer 1 with icon 1)
set forPrompt to (display dialog forPrmpTxt default answer "HO" with icon 1)

set imageNumber to text returned of numPrompt
set theFormat to text returned of forPrompt

when i try and increment imageNumber it doesnt work

sorry there was aproblem somewhere else.


solved it thanks