Getting the postscript name of a font

I need a way to find the Postscript name of fonts. In Quark the font name provided isn’t the postscript name. I’ve currently got a function that does simple hardcoding. See below. In this example when I use Applescript to interrogate Quark it will tell me that the font in a text box is HelveticaNeue MediumCond, but this isn’t its postscript name

	if newText is equal to "HelveticaNeue MediumCond" then
		set newText to "HelveticaNeue-MediumCond"
	end if

I’ve started to have a look at working with the application Font Book but to be blunt I’ve no idea how I can find the information I want. Any ideas or pointers in the right direction will be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


I don’t own Quark but in Indesign there is a top level font property.

To get all PostScript names in a list:

tell application "InDesign CS" to get PostScript name of fonts

The same in Font is:

tell application "Font Book" to get PostScript name of typefaces

Hi Stefan,
Thanks for the post. I’ve found the answer, and it’s rather simple.

tell application "Font Book"
	set myFont to "HelveticaNeueLt Std Med Cn"
	get PostScript name of typeface myFont
end tell