Getting the returned item from a popup menu HELP please

Hey guys, I’m trying to make a simple application in applescript studio

on launched theObject
	tell window 1
		set title of button "button1" to "Cancel"
		set title of button "button2" to "Emulate"
		set thePopupItems to {"Call of Duty SP", "Call of Duty MP", "WoW", "Call of Duty 4 SP", "Call of Duty 4 MP"}
		tell menu of popup button 1
			delete every menu item
			repeat with aMenuItem in thePopupItems
				make new menu item at end of menu items with properties {title:aMenuItem}
			end repeat
		end tell
	end tell
end launched

on clicked theObject
	if title of theObject = "Cancel" then
	else if title of theObject = "Emulate" then
		display dialog "Now emulating NAME OF CHOOSEN POPUP MENU ITEM HERE"
		open application /Resources/emus/NAME OF CHOSEN POPUP MENU ITEM
	end if
end clicked

on choose menu item theObject
	delay 0.05
end choose menu item

I can’t figure out how to get the returned result from the popup menu, also is it possible to open an application from inside this applications resorces folder?
Thanks in advance JDogg

Hi and welcome.

try this, the on choose menu handler is not necessary

on launched theObject
	tell window 1
		set title of button "button1" to "Cancel"
		set title of button "button2" to "Emulate"
		set thePopupItems to {"Call of Duty SP", "Call of Duty MP", "WoW", "Call of Duty 4 SP", "Call of Duty 4 MP"}
		tell menu of popup button 1
			delete every menu item
			repeat with aMenuItem in thePopupItems
				make new menu item at end of menu items with properties {title:aMenuItem}
			end repeat
		end tell
	end tell
end launched

on clicked theObject
	if title of theObject = "Cancel" then
	else if title of theObject = "Emulate" then
		set currentMenuItem to title of current menu item of popup button 1 of window 1
		display dialog "Now emulating " & currentMenuItem
		activate application ((path to me as text) & "Contents:Resources:emus:" & currentMenuItem & ".app")
	end if
end clicked

	on choose menu item theObject
		delay 0.05
	end choose menu item

Thank you so much!, worked 100%. Another quick question, lets say I wanted to make a button appear AFTER the user hits the “emulate” button, once that button is pressed the application (the one in the resources folder)would quit.

Also if possible, once the application is launched, it is automatically hidden (the emulation apps have no gui)

on launched theObject
	tell window 1
		set title of button "button1" to "Cancel"
		set title of button "button2" to "Emulate"
		set title of button "button3" to "Stop Emulation"
		set thePopupItems to {"Call of Duty SP", "Call of Duty MP", "WoW", "Call of Duty 4 SP", "Call of Duty 4 MP"}
		tell menu of popup button 1
			delete every menu item
			repeat with aMenuItem in thePopupItems
				make new menu item at end of menu items with properties {title:aMenuItem}
			end repeat
		end tell
	end tell
end launched

on clicked theObject
	if title of theObject = "Cancel" then
	else if title of theObject = "Emulate" then
		set currentMenuItem to title of current menu item of popup button 1 of window 1
		display dialog "Now emulating " & currentMenuItem
		activate application ((path to me as text) & "Contents:Resources:emus:" & currentMenuItem & ".app"
	end if

Thanks for your time

what’s about this, launch just launches the application without bringing it to the front.

on launched theObject
	tell window 1
		set title of button "button1" to "Cancel"
		set title of button "button2" to "Emulate"
		set title of button "button3" to "Stop"
		set visible of button "button3" to false
		set thePopupItems to {"Call of Duty SP", "Call of Duty MP", "WoW", "Call of Duty 4 SP", "Call of Duty 4 MP"}
		tell menu of popup button 1
			delete every menu item
			repeat with aMenuItem in thePopupItems
				make new menu item at end of menu items with properties {title:aMenuItem}
			end repeat
		end tell
	end tell
end launched

on clicked theObject
	if title of theObject = "Cancel" then
	else if title of theObject = "Emulate" then
		set currentMenuItem to title of current menu item of popup button 1 of window 1
		display dialog "Now emulating " & currentMenuItem
		launch application ((path to me as text) & "Contents:Resources:emus:" & currentMenuItem & ".app")
		tell button "button3" of window 1
			set title to "Stop " & currentMenuItem
			set visible to true
		end tell
	else if name of theObject = "button3" then
		quit application ((path to me as text) & "Contents:Resources:emus:" & currentMenuItem & ".app")
		set visible of button "button3" of window 1 to false
	end if
end clicked

^ Script works fine, however it wont quit the application it launches :(. Say I choose Call of Duty MP, it launches fine, but when I hit stop nothing happens

Maybe this is sufficient

 quit application currentMenuItem

No dice. Heres the script I’m using btw

on launched theObject
	tell window 1
		set title of button "button1" to "Quit"
		set title of button "button2" to "Emulate"
		set title of button "button3" to "Stop"
		set thePopupItems to {"Call of Duty SP", "Call of Duty MP", "WoW", "Call of Duty 4 SP", "Call of Duty 4 MP"}
		tell menu of popup button 1
			delete every menu item
			repeat with aMenuItem in thePopupItems
				make new menu item at end of menu items with properties {title:aMenuItem}
			end repeat
		end tell
	end tell
end launched

on clicked theObject
	if title of theObject = "Quit" then
	else if title of theObject = "Emulate" then
		set currentMenuItem to title of current menu item of popup button 1 of window 1
		display dialog "Now emulating " & currentMenuItem
		launch application ((path to me as text) & "Contents:Resources:emus:" & currentMenuItem & ".app")
		tell button "button3" of window 1
			set title to "Stop " & currentMenuItem
			set visible to true
		end tell
	else if name of theObject = "Stop" then
		quit application currentMenuItem & ".app"
	end if
end clicked

the problem could be,
the name of button 3 is “button3”,
but the title is (contains) “Stop”

this should work

else if name of theObject = "button3" then
       quit application currentMenuItem 

the suffix .app is not needed

I get the error The variable currentMenuItem is not defined. (-2753)

in my origin script above the button “button3” is invisible by default,
and not until clicking the button “Emulate” defines the variable and makes the “Stop” button visible.
You changed that!
A different solution is to set the variable at the beginning of the handler,
but the disadvantage is, the user can change the popup menu and maybe the chosen application doesn’t run at all

on clicked theObject
	set currentMenuItem to title of current menu item of popup button 1 of window 1
	if title of theObject = "Quit" then
	else if title of theObject = "Emulate" then
		display dialog "Now emulating " & currentMenuItem
		launch application ((path to me as text) & "Contents:Resources:emus:" & currentMenuItem & ".app")
		tell button "button3" of window 1
			set title to "Stop " & currentMenuItem
			set visible to true
		end tell
	else if name of theObject = "button3" then
		quit application currentMenuItem
	end if
end clicked

Thank you sir!!!. Sorry for changing the script around :P. Works 100% thank you thank you. I will give you credit when I release the application on my website :slight_smile:

I lost the files :(. I used bits and pieces from the forum, all works fine EXCEPT, doesn’t quit the applications

on launched theObject
	tell window 1
		set title of button "button1" to "Cancel"
		set title of button "button2" to "Emulate"
		set title of button "button3" to "Stop"
		set visible of button "button3" to false
		set thePopupItems to {"Call of Duty SP", "Call of Duty MP", "WoW", "Call of Duty 4 SP", "Call of Duty 4 MP"}
		tell menu of popup button 1
			delete every menu item
			repeat with aMenuItem in thePopupItems
				make new menu item at end of menu items with properties {title:aMenuItem}
			end repeat
		end tell
	end tell
end launched

on clicked theObject
	set currentMenuItem to title of current menu item of popup button 1 of window 1
	if title of theObject = "Quit" then
	else if title of theObject = "Emulate" then
		display dialog "Now emulating " & currentMenuItem
		launch application ((path to me as text) & "Contents:Resources:emus:" & currentMenuItem & ".app")
		tell button "button3" of window 1
			set title to "Stop " & currentMenuItem
			set visible to true
		end tell
	else if name of theObject = "button3" then
		quit application currentMenuItem
	end if
end clicked