"Giving up after" in iTunes, QT Pro

I’m hoping this is an easy one, but after looking through the Forum archives, perhaps not.

I’m trying to convert a sound file into an MP3 and it keeps timing out on the conversion.

tell application “iTunes”
set harvey to (add (“Bell:Users:sam:Documents:myfile.mov”))
set maude to (convert harvey) – giving up after 720
end tell

Both iTunes and QTPro produce an Apple Event error of timing out. I know display dialog has the “giving up” option, but it doesn’t seem to apply here.

What s/b my strategy to have this done? I need to act on maude for a series of mp3 files. thanx, sam

Try this code.

with timeout of 900 seconds
	tell application "iTunes"
		set harvey to (add ("Bell:Users:sam:Documents:myfile.mov"))
		set maude to (convert harvey) -- giving up after 720
	end tell
end timeout


Beauty! Just what I needed, thanx, sam