Go to message in Mail.app from Finder

My workflow relies heavily on viewing and tagging e-mail files (.emlx) in Leap (which is built on the Finder). But one glaring limitation is that Mail.app doesn’t like you deleting, moving or copying messages stored in ~/Library/Mail from the Finder. What I’d really like to be able to do is review messages in Leap / Finder and be able to quickly delete them if I decide I no longer need to keep them.

So what I’m hoping is that there might be some way of doing what I want with AppleScript. I envisage a script that I could run through the Services menu while working in Leap / Finder which would tell Mail.app to delete (Trash) the message I’m working on.

I’ve tried googling for ideas but can’t find anything even to get me started. Can anyone point me to something?
