Has anyone found a good AppleScript Studio book? I want to learn more about AppleScript Studio, but don’t just want to keep going about it the hard way. I would like to find a book that can walk me through some of the basics.
Has anyone found a good AppleScript Studio book? I want to learn more about AppleScript Studio, but don’t just want to keep going about it the hard way. I would like to find a book that can walk me through some of the basics.
There are no published books available yet on AppleScript Studio. The best references come straight from Apple. Building Applications with AppleScript Studio and its companion text AppleScript Studio Terminology Reference are both available in HTML and PDF versions. Doing a search of MacScripter’s Books section for “studio” will provide you with direct links to them. http://macscripter.net/books/
Building Applications with AppleScript Studio is a step by step tutorial that walks you through the building of an example application from start to finish. AppleScript Studio Terminology Reference is a reference book that will explain all of the terminology associated with the latest version of AppleScript Studio.
Hope this helps,
I’m reading “Sam’s Teach Yourself Applescript in 24 hours”. I really like it. It is the easiest read out of all the Applescript books that I have come across. Not too mention, it is the newest. It was released a month or two ago.