Google search request / query

I want to get the HTML-response of a Google search request. I do not need a saved file, the repsonse data is what I want to store in a variable.

My problem is that I cannot find the correct URL for the request. If I enter Milk, Google leads to this URL:,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47534661,d.bGE&fp=cf659302851eee69&biw=1069&bih=728

How to circumround this?

This returns a search term url:

set searchTerm to text returned of (display dialog "Enter Search Term" default answer "")
set gSearch to "" & searchTerm & "&btnG=&oq=" & searchTerm & "&gs_l=hp.3..0l4.11733.12326.0.12797."

Not sure if this is of any help with you wanting the html response tho! :confused: