got a problem with save in destination path

I’m trying to save a new workbook to a folder on desktop

set destinationPath to " :Users:bestbuy:Desktop & BC_TEST"

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	set newBook to make new workbook
	set column width of range "A:AZZ" to 5 -- characters (columns)
		save newBook as newBook in destinationPath
	close active workbook saving yes
end tell

My event log comes up with

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	make new workbook
		workbook "Sheet25"
	set column width of range "A:AZZ" to 5
	save workbook "Sheet25" as workbook "Sheet25" in " :Users:bestbuy:Desktop & BC_TEST"
	close active workbook saving yes
end tell

But the workbook is not there, or anywhere I’ve looked.
any ideas

Model: macbook08
AppleScript: 2.2.1
Browser: Safari 525.27.1
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.5)

“:Users:.” is no valid HFS path. It must begin with a disk name like “Macintosh HD:Users:.”.
It’s easier and more portable to use relative paths

set destinationPath to ((path to desktop as text) & "BC_TEST")

Don’t think a variable within quotes works anyway.

This worked for me

set folderPath to "Macintosh HD:Users:merickson:Desktop:myFolder:"

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	set newWorkbook to make new workbook
	set column width of (range "A:IV") to 5
	save workbook as newWorkbook filename (folderPath & (name of newWorkbook) & ".xls")
	close active workbook
end tell

Assuming a new document is always Untitled.ext then you may as well use:

set folderPath to “Macintosh HD:Users:merickson:Desktop:myFolder:”

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
   set column width of (range "A:IV") to 5
   save workbook as newWorkbook filename (folderPath & "Untitled.xls")
   close active workbook
end tell

unless you plan to make it a different variable.

I have tried every suggestion, still can’t get newbook into right path.
thanks for the input.

Have you tried

set folderPath to (choose folder)
-- etc.

mikerickson wrote have you tried this

Open this Scriplet in your Editor:
set folderPath to (choose folder)
-- etc.

I tried it, creates an alias and ends up in documents.
will try more variations later.
thanks again