goto 30?


Is there any way to jump back to an earlier point within a subroutine? Or is it only done by placing the place you want to jump back to into a separate subroutine?

Hi Patrick,

no, it isn’t. But I think, there is always a way to work around it

You might try making the section you may want repeated into an independant handler all by itself, so you can call it anytime you wish, from anywhere in your script.

Yeah… I ended up doing this… Sometimes it just feels like it would be more efficient if I could just jump back within a subroutine though! Oh well…

Thanks for the replies.

Hi guys.

For a simple goto, a repeat loop can be useful:

say 10
say 20
set goto_30 to true
repeat 2 times
	say 30
	say 40
end repeat
say 50
say 60

To add conditionality:

say 10
say 20
	say 30
	say 40
	if button returned of (display dialog "Go to 30 - or continue?" buttons ¬
		{"Cancel", "Go to 30", "Continue."} default button 3) is "Continue." then exit repeat
end repeat
say 50
say 60

Adding further control options will, of course, increase the complexity:

say 10
say 20
	say 30
	say 40
		say 50
		say 60
			say 70
			say 80
			set goto to choose from list {"goto 30", "goto 50", "goto 70", ¬
				"goto 90", "goto 110"} with prompt "Go to where?"
			if goto is false then error number -128
			set goto to last word of goto's end as integer
			if goto is not 70 then exit repeat
		end repeat
		if goto < 50 or goto > 90 then
			exit repeat
		else if goto > 50 then
			say 90
			say 100
			exit repeat
		end if
	end repeat
	if goto > 110 then
		exit repeat
	else if goto > 30 then
		say 110
		say 120
		exit repeat
	end if
end repeat

Compare that with the greater logical clarity of cascading handlers:

say 10
say 20

on goto_30()
	say 30
	say 40
end goto_30

on goto_50()
	say 50
	say 60
end goto_50

on goto_70()
	say 70
	say 80
end goto_70

on goto_90()
	say 90
	say 100
end goto_90

on goto_110()
	say 110
	say 120
end goto_110

to choose_where_to_go()
	set goto to choose from list {"goto 30", "goto 50", "goto 70", ¬
		"goto 90", "goto 110"} with prompt "Go to where?"
	if goto is false then error number -128
	set goto to last word of goto's end
	if goto is "30" then
	else if goto is "50" then
	else if goto is "70" then
	else if goto is "90" then
	else -- goto is "110"
	end if
end choose_where_to_go