Grep before import

Hi All,

I work for an organization that manages fundraising accounts for many individuals. Currently the maintenance of these accounts is geared towards a Windows only App called Partners. There is a group of Mac users that have developed an alternative App in Filemaker. Our last hurdle is to find a way to import monthly updates into our DB. The hitch is that the windows app uses “|” (that a vertical slash, not a capital i). I am trying to use an applescript to convert those “|” to tabs. I have developed applescript that does it but it relies on Tex-Edit. I’d like to do it using a shell script. Any ideas?


Not long ago, there was a very good thread on a search/replace handler that used AppleScript’s text item delimiters. Easy enough to replace your pipes (|) with tabs. My copy of it looks like this:

to switchText of t from s to r
	set text item delimiters to s
	set t to t's text items
	set text item delimiters to r
	tell t to set t to beginning & ({""} & rest)
end switchText

to convertText(t)
	set d to text item delimiters
	repeat with n from 1 to count searchList
		set t to switchText of t from my searchList's item n to my replaceList's item n
	end repeat
	set text item delimiters to d
end convertText


(* stage 1: import old text *)
set currFile to choose file
set openFile to open for access currFile with write permission
set oldText to read openFile

(* stage 2: convert text *)
set newText to convertText(oldText)

(* stage 3: export new text *)
set eof openFile to 0 (* delete old text *)
write newText to openFile
close access openFile

Thanks for the reply. I tried to edit your suggestion for my purposes but it doesn’t work yet. The script just seems to be adding spaces between each character. My script looks like this:

property searchList : {"|"}
property replaceList : {"	"}

to switchText of DTR from | to "\t"
set text item delimiters to |
	set DTR to DTR's text items
	set text item delimiters to "	"
	tell DTR to set DTR to beginning & ({""} & rest)
end switchText

to convertText(DTR)
	set d to text item delimiters
	repeat with n from 1 to count searchList
		set DTR to switchText of DTR from my searchList's item n to my replaceList's item n
	end repeat
	set text item delimiters to d
end convertText


(* stage 1: import old text *)
set currFile to choose file
set openFile to open for access currFile with write permission
set oldText to read openFile

(* stage 2: convert text *)
set newText to convertText(oldText)

(* stage 3: export new text *)
set eof openFile to 0 (* delete old text *)
write newText to openFile
close access openFile

You can find lots of examples in the Code Exchange forum. For instance: