Growing "Real Memory" in stay-open applescript in Tiger ??

How does one track down an issue with a script that runs as “stay open”, yet over time the “Real Memory” grows from an initial size of about 18MB to upwards of 300MB if left running long enough?

The script is a modified version of the GrowliChat notification script:

* This script requires Growl. You can download Growl here:
* Once you have installed Growl, you can save this script as an application,
* remember to check the "Stays Open" option before saving.
* Then double-click the new application and enjoy.
* Comments and ideas to

property idleTime : 15
property lastList : {}

on run
	delay idleTime
	if my isIChatRunning() then
		tell application "iChat"
			set lastList to id of every account where status is available
		end tell
	end if
	return idleTime
end run

on idle
	if my isIChatRunning() then
		tell application "iChat"
			set currentList to id of every account where status is available
		end tell
		repeat with x in currentList
			if x is not in lastList then
				my notifyWithAccountID(x)
			end if
		end repeat
		repeat with x in lastList
			if x is not in currentList then
				my notifyWithAccountID(x)
			end if
		end repeat
		set lastList to currentList
	end if
	return idleTime
end idle

on notifyWithAccountID(theID)
	set appName to "GrowliChat"
	set notificationName to "iChat Status"
	set notifs to {notificationName}
	tell application "iChat"
		if ((first account where id is theID) exists) then
			set theName to name of (first account where id is theID)
			set theStatus to my stringForStatus(status of (first account where id is theID))
			set theService to first word of theID
			set theHandle to handler of (first account where id is theID)
			set theIcon to image of (first account where id is theID)
			if ((theName is not null) and (theService does not start with "Bonjour") and (theService does not start with "Rendezvous")) then
				tell application "GrowlHelperApp"
					register as application appName all notifications notifs default notifications notifs icon of application "iChat"
						notify with name notificationName title theName application name appName description theHandle & return & theStatus & " (" & theService & ")" image theIcon
					on error
							notify with name notificationName title theName application name appName description theHandle & return & theStatus & " (" & theService & ")"
						end try
					end try
				end tell
			end if
		end if
	end tell
end notifyWithAccountID

on stringForStatus(s)
		using terms from application "iChat"
			if s is away then
				return "went away"
			else if s is offline then
				return "went offline"
			else if s is available then
				return "came back"
			else if s is idle then
				return "is idling"
				return "status is unknown"
			end if
		end using terms from
	on error
		return ""
	end try
end stringForStatus

on isIChatRunning()
	tell application "System Events"
		return exists process "iChat"
	end tell
end isIChatRunning

I’m not comfortable with all the in’s ad out’s of run handlers and so forth, so I’d appreciate any insight on what is wrong with the above, or if it’s just a Tiger bug.

You will find the answer at the end of the page of It’s not a bug but a feature of OSX kernel. You may want to download growliChat for Tiger also.